尋晚臨上床睏之前無無聊聊, 開個日本音樂節目睇, 點知突然聽到有個人唱歌好好聽, 一聽鍾情. 德永英明呢個名細細個就聽過, 因為以前開 d 譚詠麟 cd 聽, 成日見"作曲: 德永英明", 不過就未聽過佢把聲. 一向都冇興趣試聽, 因為日本上一代o個 d 男歌手好興"牛"起把聲唱歌, 點知o係個節目度, 呢個人一開聲就覺得有驚喜, 因為估唔到把聲咁輕柔, 沙沙地咁, 聽落好有 feel.
最近佢出過幾隻好正o既碟, 就係三集 vocalist 系列, 翻唱女仔舊歌. 當然好聽, 不過我覺得佢唱 live 更加有 feel. 我睇o個個節目中, 佢就係唱呢首歌:
I've been a long time fan of 德永英明, at about the same time I started listening to 中森明菜, 山口百恵 and 今井美樹 (haha, although none of them are from my era)... you should check them out also. I think there's only a couple of JPOP singers from the current era can remotely rival these legends (Nakashima Mika, Misia...etc)
一青窈 is also quite good, she has a duet with 德永英明, you can check her out here:
I don't really approve of her 'winks' gestures while singing but her voice is amazing regardless
enjoy :)
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