Saturday 21 January 2023

Walter Grundmann on the Gospel of Matthew


痴線 sosad

//...the big problem was the Gospel of Matthew, long recognized as the most pro-Jewish of the gospels. According to Grundmann, Matthew's image of Jesus was a distortion concocted by early Jewish Christians, in order to place Jesus in the context of the salvation history traditions of the Old Testament, and the gospel does not present "the true picture of Jesus."//
~Susannah Heschel, The Aryan Jesus

Saturday 14 January 2023

基督日報引述John Dominic Crossan

基督日報引述John Dominic Crossan作為聖經學者的權威, 嚟講以非暴力達至正義, 只係唔知佢地編輯部有幾了解John Dominic Crossan的研究, 是否知道佢相信聖經中的四福音9成9都係不可信的歷史資料, 同埋耶穌冇復活, 因為佢肉身已經被狗食咗.


Saturday 7 January 2023


左圖: 基督教今日報宣佈Gershon Galil的所謂考古發現為"聖經根於歷史佐證再添一筆". 

右圖: 一班學者聯署, 重申"until the publication of finds or research results in a scientific and peer-reviewed publication, any claim made should be related to as unfounded". 

冇幾耐之前, Gershon Galil同Eli Shukron喺未有經過正常學術程序、未能提供高清圖片的情況下, 就上電視公佈可比"驚世啟示"的考古發現. 基督教今日報如獲至寶, 聲稱"聖經根於歷史佐證再添一筆", 但其實許多學者對此等做法很有意見, 一些更發起聯署, 重申未經學術驗證同討論的發現同結論, 就不應當作事實咁樣宣傳. 

我認為基督教傳媒應該按照呢個聯署的立場嚟處理呢類驚世發現, 而呢個立場唔係咩新鮮立場, 例如學者James Davila一直都咁主張, 佢稱之為Lottery Rule: "If a reported new discovery is the scholarly equivalent of our having won the lottery, we should be skeptical of it unless and until we have strong evidence that it is real."

基督教傳媒的名聲係十分重要的 (門徒媒體同錫安日報例外), 冇必要為咗呢D未經證實的發現押自己的reputation上去. 




James Davila's blog: