Wednesday 24 February 2021

Office office

早幾個星期, 公司安排我地Home Office, 每個星期有兩日返公司就OK, 減低出外搭車之類的風險, 不過呢個星期又回復返Office Office. 其實都正常, 因為政府多次封區、驗嚟驗去, 但又連環食白果, 好難令人覺得香港目前疫情係嚴重到搭車返工會死人. 

但係, 早幾個星期的Home Office對我嚟講係perfect timing, 因為嗰段時間我身體突然變差咗好多, 相信係血壓同血管問題, 喺腳上有D復元得好慢的小傷口出現. 所以喺嗰段有得多D留喺屋企的時間, 可以多D時間休養, 俾佢慢慢好. 我亦喺呢段時間, 真係第一次去睇醫生處理血壓問題, 按醫生指示去驗呢樣驗嗰樣, 呢段時間係容易好多. 例如, 其中一樣嘢係要留晒全日所有的尿去驗, 咁要返辧公室係冇可能帶住成個桶周圍去 sosad

Anyway, 雖然老婆覺得我好虧, 但驗身證實我身體冇乜事, 肝腎功能正常, 搵唔出血壓高的原因 (去睇醫生之前嗰日突破200), 可能純粹係天生遺傳, 不過食住藥就會去返正常水平, 醫生甚至冇叫我戒口之類, 而記得食藥對我嚟講係易如反掌. 


小說版午夜凶鈴第二集的情節,個男主角同貞子上完床,先發覺原來貞子係偽娘嚟 sosad


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Ravi Zacharias 性醜聞

受萬人景仰的基督教護教家 Ravi Zacharias 舊年去世, 喺佢生前都已經有性醜聞的指控出現, 不過當時係『處理』咗, 並冇全面發酵. 不過喺佢死後, 更多受害人出面指證, 得到Christian Times報導, 逼令美國宣道會同埋Ravi Zacharias International Ministries都展開正式調查, 目前已有共識, Ravi Zacharias確實係有性騷擾多名女性, 其中一個受害人以強姦嚟形容佢地之間的性關係. 其實除咗性醜聞之外, 當我睇呢D報告的時候, 似乎亦有亂用機構奉獻的問題, 因為似乎佢係有使用公款嚟養住一D女仔. 

搞笑o既係, 條友仔曾經用自己嚟威脅D女仔唔好爆響口, 因為咁會令好多人跌倒 sosad. 首先, 令人跌倒嗰個係佢, 點會變咗係受害人的責任? 第二, 雖然有些事的真相確實係會永遠湮沒, 但其實好多好事壞事, 最終還是會水落石出. 


//Only one of the witnesses we interviewed said that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual intercourse. This witness reported details of many encounters over a period of years that she described as rape. To protect her identity, this report does not disclose many of the details she shared with us. Some information is related below because aspects of Mr. Zacharias’s behavior towards this witness were similar to his conduct with other therapists, specifically: the use of ministry funds to provide financial support, the effort to elicit personal information about a difficult past, and Mr. Zacharias’s use of religious language during their encounters.

This witness told us that their relationship began as a normal massage therapist-client relationship, and she came to think of him as a father figure. He elicited information about her faith and her financial situation. She reported that after he arranged for the ministry to provide her with financial support, he required sex from her. According to this witness, Mr. Zacharias used religious expressions to gain compliance, as she was raised to be a person of faith. She reported that he made her pray with him to thank God for the “opportunity” they both received. She said he called her his “reward” for living a life of service to God, and he referenced the “godly men” in the Bible with more than one wife. She said he warned her not ever to speak out against him or she would be responsible for the “millions of souls” whose salvation would be lost if his reputation was damaged.

A number of aspects of this account involved similar behavior and escalation as the accounts of other therapists who would not have known each other and who treated Mr. Zacharias in different contexts over time. The therapists he reportedly targeted for “more than a massage” discussed a similar modus operandi of building their trust and making them feel at ease. As one put it, he “wasn’t frisky initially.” Some therapists described a process that began with probing conversation and him asking about their families and backgrounds, often delving into deeply personal issues such as financial struggles or emotionally broken backgrounds. For example, one therapist reported that Mr. Zacharias spent the first half of their first massage session asking about her spiritual journey and prior abuse. This set her at ease and made her feel that he cared for her as a person before he later asked her to massage his genitals. Another woman reported that he would talk about her career plans and efforts to improve her financial situation while he was massaging her breasts. She never came forward because she thought, “who would believe me” against a famous Christian leader. Some therapists also reported that Mr. Zacharias paid very well or would leave large tips and gave gifts that were at times lavish, such as a Persian rug or a Louis Vuitton wallet with $500 inside.//


//Recent independent investigations commissioned by both the C&MA and Ravi Zacharias International Ministries confirmed the accusations made by massage therapists that he engaged in sexual misconduct. He then constructed elaborately deceptive schemes to conceal his activity. This evidence clearly establishes that Mr. Zacharias preyed on women, violating the trust of those who were particularly vulnerable, during the time he was credentialed by the C&MA. The evidence also confirms that this pattern of behavior was longstanding.//

CT其中一篇報導 (有中文版):

Monday 22 February 2021

The Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)

以前讀書嗰時, 雖然我一些同學同阿sir係研究新約textual criticism, 但我本人只知道一些極皮毛的基本知識. 最近周圍亂睇嘢, 留意到近年好多關於新約textual criticism的討論, 都係同Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)有關. 呢個似乎係一個新的研究方法/方向, 尤其影響到新版Nestle-Aland希臘文聖經的一些決定同取捨, 搞到我都有些好奇想知多D. 

而家我download定一堆相關的文章, 試下我會唔會睇得明. 呢度有其中一個超簡易版本的blog post: 

Wednesday 17 February 2021

The Medium

玩完The Medium了. 隻game完全唔驚, 但係氣氛唔錯, 我鍾意佢花好多時間去慢慢講個故事出來, 冇Layers of Fear咁印象深刻, 但亦相當唔錯, 故事元素包括有兇殺案、撞鬼、禁聲的暴力、超能力, 都係會令我感興趣的部份. 畫面質素正常, 不過將畫面一開二, 一半交代現實世界、一半交代靈界的表現方式, 似乎都唔少人覺得幾好.

不過有兩大缺點: 1) 隻game目前係poorly optimized, 我相信對大部人嚟講, 唔係一隻可以consistently行到60fps的game, 但以佢咁o既畫面, 唔應該咁樣; 2) 間公司應該都知佢地唔擅長整動作game, 所以呢隻game的stealth同追逐部份, 全部都係相當垃圾, cut晒佢、專心講故事仲好. 但整體算唔錯啦, 係一隻我會玩到尾然後覺得滿足的game.