Monday 23 November 2020

Howtin傷口上灑鹽 / 如雲彩般的壞人 / 教宗IG戶口讚好J圖 / 北京聯禱會被政府搞



龍力蓮: [亨梨生活分享] A15爆機升RAM安裝教學 #升級 #電競 大家快啲like同share!

Jason Jason: 湊熱鬧

Zion Chan: 好耐冇聽過live 支持下先

龍力蓮: 早晨!勁呀!that's perfect 

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny, magnum

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, Aidan Wong, SGL, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

Thursday 19 November 2020

Sunday 15 November 2020

[免費talk] The Difference Gender Makes in Scholarship, Publication, and Promotion

The Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible推出的網上系列中, 其中一集以“The Difference Gender Makes in Scholarship, Publication, and Promotion”為題目, 訪問Dr Sarah Rollens同埋Prof Candida Moss. 節目入面三個都是聖經學者. 推介.


錫安教會轉型教灌腸 / 爛滾弟兄的下場 / 教會牧師對美國大選的五種反應


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, Aidan Wong, SGL, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《新異變人》The New Mutants 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


當初聽到有人打算拍齣恐怖片路線的X-Men電影, 我係非常有興趣想睇

Tuesday 10 November 2020

《死因無可疑》睇唔睇得過? (2020)


齣戲有黃秋生、有林嘉欣、有女神湯怡, 但睇完令我最深印象嗰個係做配角的歐錦棠 sosad

Tuesday 3 November 2020

《天魔回魂》Prince of Darkness 睇唔睇得過? (1987)


最近睇返好多舊的鬼戲, 爽歪歪~

[萬聖節特備] 老豆被女鬼跟蹤 / 超市長髮女鬼 / 按手祈禱按到鬼上身



Harvey Shum: Cool

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

Thursday 29 October 2020

《夠殭人魔》Dracula 2000 睇唔睇得過? (2000)


呢齣戲細個嗰時已經睇過, 但我都係早兩日翻睇先發覺, 原來做吸血鬼嗰個係Gerard Butler嚟 sosad

[免費書] The Text of Leviticus


"The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélémy Institute, held in Fribourg (October 2015)" 而家可以透過Peeters的官網免費下載. 



The book of Leviticus is by far the most quoted in rabbinic literature such as the Mishna or the Talmud, while it has been marginalized in the Christian tradition. Nevertheless, scholars of both traditions have again become highly interested in it for some decades now. As shown by many recent publications, the book is thoroughly studied for textual, literary, historical and reception aspects.

It has often been said and written that the text of Leviticus is stable in comparison to many other books of the Hebrew Bible, and that its Greek translation is quite literal. Yet, the text of Leviticus continues to raise questions, not only regarding its content and textual witnesses, but also its interpretation, history and reception. The third international colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, held in Fribourg in October 2015, aimed to bring together some specialists of the text of Leviticus in order to advance research on its textual witnesses and the aforementioned topics.

The articles collected in this book reflect the width of current research. They deal with the witnesses to the text of Leviticus in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Masoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint. They also study the book’s Hebrew editing; its relation to other books such as Joshua, Luke-Acts and Flavius Josephus; and the challenge of its translation, with a case study in French.

Monday 26 October 2020

學生投訴 Moody Bible Institute / Abuse女友的基督徒男友 / 《花地瑪: 玫瑰神蹟降臨》


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


有大牌導演同大明星做的Netflix電影, 你估我俾幾分? sosad

《奪命守門人》The Doorman 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


呢齣個半鐘的動作片, 去到成四十幾分鐘先有第一場正式的動作場面.

《玩命直播》Follow Me 睇唔睇得過? (2020)



《王者天下》睇唔睇得過? (2019) || 個男主角好X嘈 sosad


個男主角好X嘈 sosad

Thursday 22 October 2020

[免費書] Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation


"Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation"而家可以透過Bloomsbury Open Access免費下載或直接網上睇. 本書喺Amazon定價差唔多成800蚊的.



Religion, ethnicity and race are facets of identity that have become increasingly contested. They intersect and overlap in complex and varied ways, and study of the Bible and Christian origins contributes much to a discussion of these ideas. The modern discipline of biblical studies developed in the context of Western Europe, concurrent with the emergence of various racial and imperial ideologies. The essays in this volume deal both with historical facets of ethnicity and race in antiquity, in particular in relation to the identities of Jews and Christians and also with the critique of scholarly ideologies and racial assumptions which have shaped biblical studies

Together, the essays critique various Western European and North American contexts, and bring fresh perspectives from other global contexts, providing insights into how biblical studies can escape its enmeshment in Western (often racist) notions of ethnicity, race, empire, nationhood and religion.

Monday 19 October 2020

[免費書] Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature


"Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature"而家可以透過Bloomsbury Open Access免費下載或直接網上睇. 本書喺Amazon定價接近成千蚊的. 



Jewish and early Christian authors discussed Abraham in numerous and diverse ways, adapting his Old Testament narratives and using Abrahamic imagery in their works. However, while some areas of study in Abrahamic texts have received much scholarly attention, other areas remain nearly untouched. Beginning with a perspective on how Abraham was used within Jewish literature, this collection of essays follows the impact of Abraham across biblical texts–including Pseudigraphic and Apocryphal texts – into early Greek, Latin and Gnostic literature.

These essays build upon existing Abraham scholarship, by discussing Abraham in less explored areas such as rewritten scripture, Philo of Alexandria, Josephus, the Apostolic Fathers and contemporary Greek and Latin authors. Through the presentation of a more thorough outline of the impact of the figure and stories of Abraham, the contributors to this volume create a concise and complete idea of how his narrative was employed throughout the centuries, and how ancient authors adopted and adapted received traditions.

15隻最鍾意的PS4 Games

聖經學術研究: 女人蒙頭同睪丸之間的關係 / call-in: Howtin慘遭女聽眾物化


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《十三號星期五5:新開始》Friday the 13th: A New Beginning 睇唔睇得過? (1985)


呢個系列由《終結篇》到《新開始》只差一年 sosad

《魔鬼手記》The Ninth Gate 睇唔睇得過? (1999)


齣戲爛尾, 但我好鍾意齣戲. 

《傑拉德的遊戲》Gerald's Game 睇唔睇得過? (2017) || 床上版《127小時》sosad



《新聞守護者》Mr Jones 睇唔睇得過? (2019)


我好憎Peter Sarsgaard, 但係佢喺呢齣戲入面的表現令我改觀 sosad

《Infinity Chamber》睇唔睇得過? (2016)


每次睇低成本科幻片都係一場賭博, 今次結果係...

Wednesday 14 October 2020

NYU網上免費conference: The Land that I Will Show You


繼之前嗰個死海古卷網上conference, NYU嚟緊10月25-28日又有網上的公開免費conference了, 今次題目係針對古代以色列的考古或歷史研究. 

透過下面條link, 可以睇到個schedule同埋報名方法. 號稱對考古學有興趣的人, 機會來了 sosad


Wednesday 7 October 2020

Loukas Karrer + Metropolitan Chrysostomos


希臘有個地方叫Zakynthos, 喺40年代被納粹佔領, 當時德軍命令個市長 Loukas Karrer 交出島上所有猶太人的名單. 同當地個東正教領袖 Chrysostomos 商量過後, 佢地交咗張名單出去, 上面就只有兩個名: 就係個市長同個主教的名字. 當地其他島民就幫D猶太人匿埋. 

最終奇蹟地, 德軍冇殺呢兩個擺明窩藏猶太人的人, 據講當時島上有275個猶太人, 好多因此死唔去. 


Tuesday 6 October 2020

Sunday 4 October 2020

敵擋掌權者、製作假證書的希臘主教 / 壞人冇樣睇 Howtin最盲目 / 信仰信箱


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《American Murder: The Family Next Door》睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 齣戲個中文名穿橋, 所以唔寫喺度 sosad


齣戲個中文名穿橋, 所以唔寫喺度, 翻譯嗰條粉腸都黐線 sosad

《願者上網》The Social Dilemma 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


如果鍾意Netflix之前嗰齣The Great Hack的話, 呢齣都會o岩睇.

《天才少女福爾摩斯》Enola Holmes 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


Howtin夫人睇得好開心 sosad

Monday 28 September 2020



嚟緊10月20-22日將會有個講亞蘭文以諾一書的網上conference, 可以喺10月19日之前免費報名參加, 我見都唔少出名的學者會present papers. 香港都唔少人自稱對以諾一書有興趣, 而家機會嚟喇 😏



Sunday 27 September 2020

影音使團中秋poster賞晰 / 中国書籍話耶穌殺咗個女人 / 俄羅斯耶穌被補 / 霋時衝動 聽眾來信


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高

Thursday 24 September 2020



又係o既, 寫晒「林以諾博士牧師」咁鬼冗長, poster邊有咁多位啫? 呢D宗教聚會, 直接叫「林以諾博士」咪得囉, 牧師呢D身份就是X但, 唔使提啦 🙂



Wednesday 23 September 2020

《生人勿近》Dawn of the Dead 睇唔睇得過? (1978)


細個第一次睇, 見隻喪屍一口咬咗條友塊肉去, 真係大開眼界 sosad

Tuesday 22 September 2020

承認唔知有幾難 / The Gospel of Jesus' Wife / 聽眾 call-in: 大台好恐怖


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高

《顫·役·前》Antebellum 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


我覺得呢齣戲的官方文宣同 trailer 穿晒齣戲的橋 sosad

《活死人之夜》Night of the Living Dead 睇唔睇得過? (1968)


有聽眾話《生化危機》係喪屍片始祖, 令我突然想開返D舊戲嚟睇 sosad

Wednesday 16 September 2020

《天能》Tenet 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


好耐冇去戲院睇戲 sosad

Peter Enns訪問James Kugel


Peter Enns訪問James Kugel, 我最鍾意的聖經學者. 原來Kugel以前係Enns的導師, 之前完全唔知 sosad

Sunday 13 September 2020

女僕店驅魔人再現 / HowtinLove: 男女地雷陣


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高 

Friday 11 September 2020

Mark Goodacre interviews Ariel Sabar

Mark Goodacre interviews Ariel Sabar, the author of Veritas.


Thursday 10 September 2020

《十三號星期五 4:終結篇》Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)


第四集雖然聲稱係《終結篇》, 但係最終隔一年就已經出第五集, 根本是搵老襯, 扮執笠 sosad

Peter Enns同Jared Byas訪問Ariel Sabar


Peter Enns同Jared Byas訪問Ariel Sabar, 新書Veritas的作者.

Mark Goodacre reviews Veritas

Mark Goodacre's review of the book Veritas


Wednesday 9 September 2020

Ariel Sabar, Veritas: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife


最近睇緊呢本書, 好正. 

幾年前我都有錄片講過, 有個記者叫Ariel Sabar喺本雜誌出咗篇文章, 將The Gospel of Jesus' Wife的主人Walter Fritz完全起底, 進一步證實耶太福音書係偽造. 呢本新書係更詳盡的故事. 

Howtin舊片: [耶太福音書] 記者發功起底 揭發神秘人面紗

錫安膠自稱能準確預言世局 / 教會Google Meet開講座被縮頭龜滋擾 / 信仰信箱: Howtin點睇大使命


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui 

《解除好友:暗網》Unfriended: Dark Web 睇唔睇得過? (2018)


睇完教會聚會用Google Meet被hack的新聞後, 突然好想開呢齣戲嚟睇 sosad

《頭號殺姬》Ava 睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 連Jessica Chastain都救唔返的戲


一齣連Jessica Chastain都救唔返的戲, 你想像下有幾過份 sosad

《屍殺半島》睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 以為係睇喪屍片就中伏了


呢齣嘢似 Escape from New York + Mad Max 多過似喪屍片 sosad 

Saturday 5 September 2020


錫安教會自吹自擂, 聲稱神將來會讓佢地上位拯救全宇宙, 成為最偉大的教會, 所有君王、元首都要來錫安教會朝聖. 難得係呢班錫安膠又好誠實咁講: 佢地能夠知道的這一切, 係「以往《聖經》從未記載過」sosad


Sunday 30 August 2020

十齣最鍾意的變態殺手電影 / 聽眾call in: 搵工奇遇


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《超時空歷險記》Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 睇唔睇得過? (1989)


凱撒喺歷史中擔任了重要的角色, 它是一款深受愛戴的沙律醬.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

《大亨遊戲》Glengarry Glen Ross 睇唔睇得過? (1992) || 地產經紀捽數實錄 sosad


地產經紀捽數實錄 sosad

《衝鋒隊:怒火街頭》睇唔睇得過? (1996) || 我最鍾意的港產片


呢齣係我最鍾意的港產片, 第一位.



錫安教會話, 香港政府的問題係唔識用新科技同市民溝通 (即是玩Facebook唔叻), 所以失去民心, 搞到政府的「善意」被別有用心的人誣衊得逞.



Sunday 23 August 2020




早排喺5月, 有一個死海古卷的學術conference喺網上舉辦, 題目為 The Dead Sea Scrolls in Recent Scholarship: A Public Conference. 當時可以免費直播觀看, 而家全個conference都可以免費網上重溫.

我好難解釋呢個conference有幾勁抽, 當中大量講員係頂尖到脫離咗地心吸力的學者, 機會難逢, 呢類conference一般都唔會有得錄影重溫, 而且仲有埋字幕, 簡直係驚天地、泣鬼神!!!


上網睇死海古卷學術會議 / 牧師話撒旦教入侵美國民主黨? / 取消訂閱來信續封睇



Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《超能計劃》Project Power 睇唔睇得過? (2020)




Saturday 22 August 2020




有一位深愛Donald Trump的美國牧師喺Twitter指出, 佢近日有個驚世啟示, 發現美國民主黨campaign個logo打橫嚟睇, 就係撒旦教的標誌!

不過有很多網友指出, 照個牧師咁講, 咁美國國旗都係滿佈撒旦之星 🙂

Sunday 16 August 2020

[免費書] Jacob Wright, "War, Memory, and National Identity in the Hebrew Bible"



呢排年年考第一的林鄭月娥表明當劍橋大學的榮銜為垃圾, 所以今次share一本Cambridge University Press新出的舊約學術書: Jacob Wright的War, Memory, and National Identity in the Hebrew Bible. 全書而家可以喺劍橋官網免費睇, 如果喺Amazon正價買, 差唔多成千蚊港幣.


《十二猴子》12 Monkeys 睇唔睇得過? (1995) || 細個睇唔明, 大個翻睇過幾次



呢齣戲細個睇唔明, 大個翻睇過幾次

《Black Water: Abyss》睇唔睇得過? (2020)



睇之前我都知呢齣應該唔係好戲, 但係鱷魚食人片, 我真係好想睇下 sosad

乜嘢叫Editorial Fatigue? / 聖經閱讀能力爭霸戰 (有獎問答遊戲)



Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

Tuesday 11 August 2020

郭文池牧師購堂見證 vs 榮辱共存的教會



喂呀哥: 熱烈支持哮天拉乎加入遊戲互動環節!期待玩聖經遊戲!
ying hei Mak: Hi我幾個月前super chat過架,介紹返,superliminal而家喺switch同ps4都玩到喇👋👋👋

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《Mortal》睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 講好多英文的挪威電影




《十三號星期五 2》Friday the 13th Part 2 睇唔睇得過? (1981) || D 咸濕仔可能會有興趣睇 sosad

鍾意復古口味的咸濕仔可能會有興趣睇 sosad

《The Rhythm Section》睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 個女主角好乞人憎 sosad


個女主角好乞人憎, 冇料扮四條, 真係咁多人死唔見佢死 sosad

Wednesday 5 August 2020

[免費書] John Trevor, Scrolls from Qumrân Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Order of the Community, the Pesher to Habakkuk

Claremont School of Theology近日宣佈, 送咗250,000本宗教研究的書籍俾Internet Archive, 放喺Open Library俾大家免費睇.

其中一本係聖經學者John Trever的死海古卷「寫真集」. 呢本書包括The Great Isaiah Scroll, 1QS, 同1QpHab的相片. Trever係世上最早有機會可以影相拍到死海古卷的人, 因為當時佢喺ASOR工作, 有人帶住幾卷古卷叫佢幫眼睇下.

雖然而家有更多後來拍到的古卷高清相片可以喺網上睇到, 但Trever拍攝時期早, 保存咗少少古卷後來破爛咗的地方, 所以係有價值的歷史資料嚟.

Saturday 1 August 2020

James Dunn 講保羅新觀 / The Manson Memorial Lecture, 1982

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

Thursday 30 July 2020

警隊以諾團契佈道會傳甚麼福音? / 被街頭佈道者質問、抨擊、起底

SGL:  呢首歌好好聽💕

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《24: 第一季》睇唔睇得過? (2001) || 夫人追到玩少咗動森 sosad

一句說話解釋呢套劇的吸引力: 夫人追呢齣嘢追到玩少咗動森 sosad

《The Rental》睇唔睇得過? (2020)

D 主角一個二個都好煩 sosad

《十三號星期五》Friday the 13th 睇唔睇得過? (1980)

印象中, 我應該係從來冇睇過呢齣戲 sosad

《遺落家庭》Relic 睇唔睇得過? (2020)

呢D鬼戲真係西片先至有, 香港D獨居老人邊有咁大間屋住 sosad

《新龍鳳配》Sabrina 睇唔睇得過? (1995) || 當年呃老豆陪我入戲院睇呢齣嘢 sosad

當年呃老豆陪我入戲院睇呢齣嘢 sosad

香港Netflix有咩恐怖片好睇? (HowtinDie part 2 - July 18, 2020)

李總叔叔: 祝願學生妹身體健康,星期三文憑試,放榜科科5星星,直入心儀大學,前程錦繡。

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

2020上半年最鍾意的電影 (HowtinDie part 1 - July 18, 2020)

李總叔叔: 祝願學生妹身體健康,星期三文憑試,放榜科科5星星,直入心儀大學,前程錦繡。

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《禁室培欲》睇唔睇得過? (1999)

原來呢齣戲係走 romance comedy 路線 sosad

《雷霆戰艦:獵犬號》Greyhound 睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 睇到緊張過初夜失身 sosad

睇到緊張過初夜失身 sosad

Sunday 12 July 2020

邢院長教許淑芬牧師治學與做人 / 教宗點睇沉默這回事 / 小玫子冒險闖書展 / 信仰信箱

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui

《不死軍團》The Old Guard 睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 鬼妹版無限之住人

齣戲有五個唔搞笑的 Deadpool

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Tuesday 7 July 2020

《猛鬼街 7: 再見亦是猛鬼》Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) || 個中文戲名發生咩事? sosad

終於睇晒我套猛鬼街 bluray box set sosad



ps, 多謝Facebook當年今日的function sosad

Monday 6 July 2020

誰是啟示錄的666? / 同福堂家長投訴少年崇拜 / 姜嘉偉牧師令Howtin笑到氣咳 / 聽眾失戀


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《無恐不入》The Invasion 睇唔睇得過? (2007)

齣戲講社會被外來侵略者滲透, 最終變成本土人類要假扮成侵略者的同類才能生存... 香港人而家睇返別有一番風味 sosad

Thursday 2 July 2020

[免費書] Behind the Essenes: History and Ideology in the Dead Sea Scrolls

免費書出沒注意. Brown Judaic Studies系列, 有關死海古卷的書. 書入面的文章已經有點舊, 來自90年代之前, 當時都仲未係人人都可以研究所有死海古卷的時代, 不過作者係Philip Davies喎, 仲要免費. Amazon報價係賣百幾蚊美金.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

阿摩司書 vs 國安法



Monday 29 June 2020

[夫人講聖經] 不冷不熱的教會

同福堂導師組長集體請辭 / Jan Joosten駭人醜聞 / 巴西何俊仁開會聞底褲

李總叔叔:  我講得出做得到,課金$500,支持howtinlive!

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Nice Lui, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《山村老屍》睇唔睇得過? (1999) || 我老婆睇到笑出聲 sosad

我老婆睇到笑出聲 sosad

《鬼影》Shutter 睇唔睇得過? (2004)

尋晚氹老婆喺Netflix睇晒成齣鬼戲 sosad

《Agatha and the Curse of Ishtar》睇唔睇得過? (2019) || 見係Agatha Christie, 電視電影都照睇

見係Agatha Christie, 電視電影都照睇

Thursday 25 June 2020

[免費書] Food Taboos and Biblical Prohibitions

免費書出沒注意. Mohr Siebeck有個Archaeology and Bible系列, 入面 D 學術書係可以免費下載, 原價一般都差唔多成舊水美金. 呢本叫做Food Taboos and Biblical Prohibitions.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Harold Attridge 的希臘文科

耶魯神學院的 Harold Attridge 今年退休,前學生 Jones Brice講返一些回憶,講返上佢嗰堂希臘文嗰段故事好過癮。

//This course was difficult. Prof. Collins was right on the mark when she told me that. We read difficult passages from Philo, Josephus, wisdom literature, poetry, and so on. The syllabus indicated that we should read about "6-8 hours" of Greek each day in preparation for the weekly seminar.//

Sunday 21 June 2020

教牧恐嚇案兇手無厘頭道歉聲明 / Raphael Golb 為父報仇網軍奇案 / 轉教會 / 內向人點玩交友app

SGL: 支持Howtin夫人信箱

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《記憶之夜》Forgotten 睇唔睇得過? (2017) || 有聽眾推介話係腦燒勁片喎...

有聽眾推介話係腦燒勁片喎, 結果...

《居禮夫人:一代科研傳奇》Radioactive 睇唔睇得過? (2020) || Rosamund Pike又唔著衫喇

Rosamund Pike又唔著衫喇... 
溫馨提示: 齣戲後段有Anya Taylor-Joy 

Monday 15 June 2020

基督徒高官的本質 / 錫安膠飲膠質銀 / 王怡牧師新書 / 麥記守護者

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《賭城大亨之新哥傳奇》睇唔睇得過? (1992) || 萬梓良經典演出


《殺人犯》睇唔睇得過? (2009) || 含劇透

最近喺Now E見到, 好似鬼揞眼咁, 忍唔住翻睇咗 sosad

Tuesday 9 June 2020

王怡, 《背負十架—中國家庭教會史》

對華援助協會出版咗一本王怡牧師的文集, 供網上下載, 叫做《背負十架—中國家庭教會史》. 王牧師因為被中共控告煽動巔覆國家政權罪同埋非法經營罪, 現已入獄. 呢本書係以佢教會主日學內容錄音編成, 頭五章經王牧師親自審閱, 不過喺完成審閱後五章之前, 就已經被捕.

王牧師同個編輯都表明, 樂意放棄所有版權, 歡迎傳閱:

Monday 8 June 2020

陳恩明牧師 / 香港教牧網絡 / 曼德拉效應搞到背錯金句

龍力蓮: 全力支持靈異探秘節目既專業製作團隊,希望快啲有新一集!

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent, Tortoise00110

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《不可饒恕》No Mercy 睇唔睇得過? (2010) || 聽眾極力推介Howtin去睇, 結果...

聽眾極力推介Howtin去睇, 結果...

《失憶𠝹女王》睇唔睇得過? (2003) || 翻睇先發覺鍾意咗齣爛戲咁多年 sosad

尋晚喺Now E翻睇, 先發覺原來我鍾意咗咁多年的戲係齣爛片嚟 sosad

Sunday 7 June 2020


上圖: 聶德權2010年喺香港聖經公會六十周年感恩會的分享內容, 話自己做公僕, 係以神同聖經為指路明燈, 工作原則係以基督的心為心.

下圖: 聶德權2020年喺民建聯會議的發言內容, 話公僕要向特首同政府忠誠, 不論個人信念如何都要如此.

佢係confirm咗我一向的認知: 香港班基督徒高官同非基督徒高官根本就冇分別, 不管個人信念乜都照做, 唯一分別就係會祈住禱、禁住食嚟做衰嘢, 更加令人嘔心.

Sunday 31 May 2020

許淑芬牧師話六四是謊言 / 讓聽眾發洩情緒 / 金主的苦惱與哀愁

 Ka Wai Lau: Howtin 靠youtube夠交租,發達啦🤣🤣🤣
Gary Tam

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
 jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, Vincent

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

《人間色相》睇唔睇得過? (1996) || 黃子華做主角的好戲

黃子華做主角的好戲, 蔡少芬、孫佳君、江希文都好正.

《一蚊雞保鑣》睇唔睇得過? (2002) || 睇完《乜代宗師》, 去搵返呢齣嚟比較下 sosad

睇完《乜代宗師》, 去搵返呢齣嚟比較下 sosad

Saturday 30 May 2020


香港警隊以諾團契的許淑芬牧師早幾日喺facebook同blog分享, 話自從2014年後, 佢對六四的真相多咗insight, 發現六四屠城多處疑點, 係一個用嚟打擊中共政權的謊言. 此事令佢好唔開針, 因為国家領導人唔自辯、揭露真相, 受咗好多委屈~

呢個就是被按立去牧養香港警察的牧者, 成績大家有目共睹. 

Wednesday 27 May 2020


頭先見到, Carleton U有篇碩士論文, 有個chapter講Nicolas Cage嗰齣Knowing, 入面有提及我登喺Journal of Religion and Film嗰篇短文, 所以佢bibliography有我 sosad

Saturday 23 May 2020

The Last Dance出現666 / 教牧北京學習交流團 / 報讀神學點準備 / 准拜山唔准講「拜山」

李總叔叔: Howtin男神,我愛你呀!
Gary Tam: call me無敵

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau, Kevin Wong, 陳四

Friday 22 May 2020



Source: [夫人講聖經] 信與不信不能同負一軛

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Monday 18 May 2020

牧師吹水話疫症同5G有關 / 教會輔導令人更燥 / 黃乃倫牧師派花生 / 物化Howtindog

Ka Wai Lau: 走字加成個 layout 都好正~ howtin 勁呀~
喂呀哥: 課金,要求更新畫面下方啲走字。😂😂😂

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So, Phyllis Kamal, Micheal Lau

《猛鬼街大結局》Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare 睇唔睇得過? (1991) || 劇透: 呢齣唔係大結局, 因為之後仲有第七集 sosad

劇透: 呢齣唔係大結局, 因為之後仲有第七集 sosad


數五齣我第一次睇嗰時覺得麻麻, 後來翻睇先識欣賞的好戲.

Tuesday 12 May 2020


如果有條友, 佢可以喺聖經度睇到聖經冇講o既嘢, 呢D唔係叫做睇聖經, 係寫聖經.

Source: 《死海古卷 webinar / 內地公安對付家庭教會 / 返教會返到有罪惡感》

Sunday 10 May 2020

死海古卷 webinar / 內地公安對付家庭教會 / 返教會返到有罪惡感

Zion Chan: 支持下依排個死海古卷系列
Gary Tam: How Tin I LOVR YOU

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李俊榮, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Micheal Lau, 会津若松町, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump, Stone So

《我的A級秘密》Can You Keep a Secret? 睇唔睇得過? (2019) || 個女主角靚到黐線



弟兄姊妹之間, 互相印證認罪悔改的重要性 :)

Source: 《[恥笑吳主光+梁燕城] 聖經密碼 completely rubbish (上)》

Wednesday 6 May 2020

The Dead Sea Scrolls in Recent Scholarship: A Public Conference (online)

Here you can join a 4-day virtual conference on "The Dead Sea Scrolls in Recent Scholarship." It is FREE to join and open to the public. The full program schedule is in the link. Please note the following:

- Follow the link accompanying each day's schedule to register.
- You must register individually for each day you wish to attend.
- An email with instructions on joining will automatically be sent to you once you register.
- You do not have to attend the entire day that you register for, but are welcome to come and go for particular sessions or lectures.

 ps, 如果你睇唔明上面段英文, 咁呢個post都唔關你事啦 sosad

[HowtinStudy] The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: chapter 9 - 死海古卷有咩內容?

《呆佬拜壽》睇唔睇得過? (1995) || 黃子華做奸角好好睇 sosad

黃子華做奸角好好睇 sosad

Sunday 3 May 2020



Saturday 2 May 2020

教會講道唔係俾面派對 / 錫安教會預言2013年死十幾億人 / 一周新聞

ying hei Mak: (潛水觀眾)想睇你玩superliminal,epicgames賣10usd,考慮下丫
Jason Cheung: Donate石原
Zion Chan: 試試先
李總: Support all dse candidates, support howtinlive.
喂呀哥: 感孕第一,好感動,高興高興,課金!感孕!感孕!感孕!

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, 李總, Mirror Riddler

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李俊榮, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Micheal Lau, 会津若松町, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji, 2020 Sam, Donald Trump

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Peter Enns講解Julius Wellhausen同Documentary Hypothesis

我一向都有聽呢個podcast, 唔係集集都o岩聽, 但係最新呢集, 係Peter Enns喺度講解Julius Wellhausen同Documentary Hypothesis, 應該係我目前為止聽得最有趣味的一集. 推介.

Sunday 26 April 2020

[聽眾 call in] 魔鬼報平安 / 傳道叫新朋友留低復興教會 / DSE學生妹考生

philip lam: 可唔可以super chat 比魔鬼?

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, 李總, Mirror Riddler

Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李俊榮, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Micheal Lau, 会津若松町, Gary Tam, SGL, Sanji

《The Vanishing》 Spoorloos 睇唔睇得過? (1988) || 時常打入最佳懸疑驚慄電影榜的經典


Monday 20 April 2020

[聽眾 call-in] 老公改屋企隻狗個名叫Tifa / 求桃花運祝福 / 教會太寬鬆冇紀律

Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商:
jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, 李總, Mirror Riddler 
Youtube 特約贊助商:
Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李俊榮, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, Lui中國武肺, nelson wong, Micheal Lau, 会津若松町, Gary Tam

《Vivarium》睇唔睇得過? (2019) || 個細路好恐怖 sosad

齣戲入面個細路好恐怖 sosad

Thursday 16 April 2020

《謎·離島》Fantasy Island 睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 夢想成真的代價

齣戲講夢想成真的代價: 多D時間睇戲就係我的夢想, 然後連呢齣爛片都睇埋就係代價 sosad