Thursday 27 October 2022

Snap CEO點睇元宇宙

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel slammed Mark Zuckerberg's vision for the metaverse on Tuesday at a conference with The Wall Street Journal.

"The metaverse is 'living inside of a computer.' The last thing I want to do when I get home from work during a long day is live inside of a computer," Spiegel said.

當一些唔多認識科技的教會uncle、auntie好熱烈咁談論元宇宙, 又話要善用元宇宙將福音傳遍地極的時候, 不少科技界的領袖卻很有保留.

Saturday 22 October 2022


聽眾的感孕見證, 蔡楓華的飛都撲到, 真係不得了 sosad


有聽眾喺充滿戲劇性的情況下, 終於搶到頭五名最先留言, 過程十分熱血 sosad

Saturday 8 October 2022

[免費書] Benjamin D. Suchard, Aramaic Daniel: A Textual Reconstruction of Chapters 1–7

呢本open access新書可以喺Brill免費下載, 原價$140美金. 


The first half of the book of Daniel contains world-famous stories like the Writing on the Wall. These stories have mostly been transmitted in Aramaic, not Hebrew, as has the influential apocalypse of Daniel 7. This Aramaic corpus shows clear signs of multiple authorship. Which different textual layers can we tease apart, and what do they tell us about the changing function of the Danielic material during the Second Temple Period? This monograph compares the Masoretic Text of Daniel to ancient manuscripts and translations preserving textual variants. By highlighting tensions in the reconstructed archetype underlying all these texts, it then probes the tales’ prehistory even further, showing how Daniel underwent many transformations to yield the book we know today.

網上版Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting Seminar Papers

Emory University將1971年至2003年嘅Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting Seminar Papers數碼化, 放上網站俾人睇. 以前返學, 堂與堂之間仲有好多時間嗰時, 我就會走去library求其攞一本呢D嚟睇入面其中一兩篇文, 所以對我嚟講都係童年回憶 sosad[item_set_ss][0]=Society%20of%20Biblical%20Literature%20Annual%20Meeting%20Seminar%20Papers