Sunday 4 September 2022

「讚美耶穌, 我喜歡腿長一點」


感謝主耶穌基督在十架上流出寶血, 這位姊妹的腳現在可以變更長了 :)

Ericksen on Church Struggle

Almost no serious scholar, for example, now claims that the Protestant ‘Church Struggle’ was a struggle against the Nazi state.The Barmen Declaration itself, the foundation for the Confessing Church, warns its readers: ‘Be not deceived by loose talk, as if we meant to oppose the unity of the German nation!’ The word ‘Jew’ is never mentioned in the Barmen Declaration, nor is there any critique of other Nazi policies. This ‘struggle’ was theological and ecclesiastical, an attack upon the alleged heresy of the Deutsche Christen.

~Robert Ericksen, Pastors and Professors

Thursday 1 September 2022


 教會領袖向希特拉宣誓效忠, 但被人當condom sosad

The Bund called for a nationwide pastors' oath of loyalty to Hitler... In June, a church official in Anhalt reported that not one pastor in his region had refused to take the oath, not even those affiliated with the Confessing Church. In July, the Ostmark (Austrian) church president similarly announced that all of his pastors had also supported the oath. In Thuringia, most of the Confessing Church pastors took the oath as well.

Yet after the oath had been implemented in the church, Reich officials repudiated it... declared it voluntary and a matter of internal church concern. No special recognition of the church by the Reich would be granted in exchange for the oath of loyalty.

~Susannah Heschel, The Aryan Jesus, p74