Sunday 12 December 2010


好多年前已經睇過, 最近由於搬屋, 冇咗internet所以生活冇晒趣味, 得閒過頭, 所以攞返出嚟睇. 雖然好多人話唔好睇, 比起導演o既前作大為不如. 我都覺得冇Jerry Maguire咁經典, 不過都唔係差, 雖然對白同情節都欠缺重心, 但係由於男女主角我都覺得算討喜, 所以呢齣戲我其實係相當鍾意, 尤其係女主角, 因為我一向都唔鍾意蜘蛛女Kirsten Dunst, 但係喺呢齣戲入面, 我覺得佢好正, 簡直係 dream girl.

我最鍾意嗰幕係男女主角當時未熟, 不過有一次講通頂講電話, 索性順便約埋去睇日出, 好有feel, 我覺得咁安排幾好, 比起就咁"一見鍾情"式睇上眼更有說服力, 雖然都係快, 不過起碼觀眾睇得出呢兩個人係幾夾, 至少有做好朋友o既潛質, 所以撻著亦在情理之中.

導演Cameron Crowe電影入面o既女性形象都好正, 例如Jerry Maguire入面o既Dorothy Boyd, 樣又cute, 性格又好, 喺個男仔處於低潮o既時候講埋 d 勵志金句, 而Elizabethtown入面o既 Claire 亦一樣咁完美, 雖然係唔真實, 不過睇戲 je. 例如呢一幕, 個男主角搞老豆葬禮搞到一頭煙, 個女仔就適時以一個好鬼馬o既形式出現, 話: "How can I leave you in distress? I'm taking you out." 真係仲美好過睇格林童話.

另一幕我好鍾意睇o既就係女主角朝早走嗰時特登搞到好嘈, 想個男主角起身留佢食早餐之類, d 小動作好搞笑. 雖然個女主角贏晒, 不過齣戲本身係有多少令人失望, 完全冇Jerry Maguire嗰種令人睇完覺得有所得著, 精神一振o既感覺, 除咗Claire嗰部份之外, 故事幾條線都唔算好吸引. 不過當然, 我都係會推介值得一睇.

Thursday 9 December 2010

PGA College & Theological Seminary

我好似冇喺度提過, 幾個月之前, 我開始喺Surrey一間學校度教聖經科, 佢地只得幾個學生, 全部都係英文唔係好叻, 但係對聖經科好有興趣o既韓國學生. 初初我都唔係好鍾意喺度教, 人工超低, 每堂教3粒鐘, 不過後來同班學生熟咗, 覺得佢地好用心, 就覺得教下都無妨. 而且由於間學校長期冇人肯幫佢地教書, 所以個校長當正我係神咁拜, 我同d學生有時走入佢間office度偷佢 d 杯麵食都得, 佢又叫我做"professor", 雖然只係一個冇任何實質意義o既title...

我第一次教Intro to the OT, 後來又教NT Background, Psalms and Wisdom Lit., 下年會教Synoptic Gospels, 應該都會幾好玩. 同埋我上個月同個校長講, 我要加30%人工, 佢苦起塊面話好窮, 講一大輪, 然後加我20%...唉, 好過冇啦.

我都好希望呢間學校可以搞得好d, 多d學生, 第日喺度打份全職文員工都好, 但係個牧師校長唔似做嘢好叻o既人, 亦唔似有魄力搞起間學校, 所以睇怕都係冇乜前途, 只可以當玩下攞下經驗.

Friday 30 July 2010

On the verge of giving up...

From exactly 7 years ago, on July 31st. What was I doing at that time? I think I was an enthusiastic MA student, thinking that I'll be a good teacher and make a difference in the world and all that crap. Today, ZONE has been disbanded, and I've come to realize that daydreaming is hazardous.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Book of Eli

This movie tells the story of a guy who possesses the last bible on earth after the apocalypse. For strange reasons, all the bad guys want to rob him of the bible because they believe that the bible will help conquering the world (something like that).

The movie is OK, but I do feel bad for Eli that he risked so much to protect and came to memorize a King James Bible, which is textually inferior to most other translations of the bible out there. And I love how the movie made a big deal of how Eli recited the entire bible starting from Genesis, while one shot of the movie showed that the last library on earth had a copy of the Tanakh--the Hebrew Bible... Eli could have started from the New Testament, that would have saved him a lot of effort.


I was surprised that I actually liked this movie. Though very much predictable, I found it quite engaging throughout till the last scene. The main characters offer solid performances. The young "Chloe" has done equally well as Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson, which came as a surprise. I think I've seen the girl in other movies, but she looks very different in the role of Chloe. All of a sudden, she looks very pretty, sexy, and seductive, extremely convincing in this role and makes the story work. The image of her huge green eyes staring at the camera still lingers in my mind.

The erotic scene between the two female characters shocked me too. I never expected Julianne Moore to appear in such a scene, much less with a much younger actress.

Saturday 12 June 2010


I read about this anime movie on magazines so many times when I was in elementary school. But never got a chance to watch it (a rated R movie, not suitable for a grade 4 student), and finally did this afternoon while I was preparing for next week's class in the Old Testament. Yes, I often prepare sermons and classes while listening to angry music or watching rated R movies.

It is surprisingly good. I liked it a lot. The drawing isn't exactly stellar, but it has its style that fits the overall mood of the anime. The violence and sex are stunning, both help in drawing the viewer into the story. The plot doesn't really make sense, but the universe that it creates is quite interesting. Worth watching. I can see why it's a classic.

Thursday 20 May 2010

[Secret Gospel of Mark] 真正筆跡專家意見

Biblical Archaeology Society 做咗件好有趣o既事. 佢地搵咗個真正o既筆跡專家去研究 Secret Gospel of Mark, 睇佢到底係咪 Morton Smith 自己假造出嚟. 詳情唔喺呢度講, 不過呢住專家o既結論係:

It is my professional opinion that the writers of the questioned document of “Secret
Mark” on the document listed as Q1, Q2 an Q3 and Morton Smith's handwriting on
the documents listed as K1 – K27, are most probably not the same.

Therefore it is highly probable that Morton Smith could not have simulated the
document of “Secret Mark” .

BAS 對呢單嘢o既簡介:


未得閒細心睇. 將來可能會講下我對呢個報告有乜睇法. 不過呢 d 嘢好專業, 只怕我可能睇都睇唔明, 我唔會好似某 d 乜乜使團咁, 唔識扮專家, 乜都扮晒大發現咁.

[REC] 2 影評

Review of "[REC] 2," in Journal of Religion and Film 14/1 (2010) n.p.

最近都冇寫論文, 時間都用晒嚟準備 May 30th 個講道, 搵工, 同埋寫呢個影評. 不過寫影評只不過係貪得意, CV 上面多樣嘢寫下 je, 都唔係好重要, 需要花好多時間o既嘢. 今日見份學刊登咗, 都幾過癮.

Saturday 24 April 2010


喺今期 Christianity Today, 有一篇訪問發現嗰隻"耶穌船"o既人o既文章, 幾有趣. 當然呢隻所謂"耶穌船"並唔係一隻耶穌坐過o既船, 不過係一隻同耶穌差唔多時期, 喺加利利湖o既沉咗落湖底o既船. 其實呢個並非新發現, 我記得好多年前喺 Biblical Archaeology Review 有一篇更加詳盡o既文章. 不過如果冇聽過呢單嘢o既人, 都不妨一睇.



How was the Jesus Boat discovered?

It was a real surprise. After four years of drought, in 1986 the Sea of Galilee had retreated. Two brothers, Jewish fishermen, were walking on the exposed seabed and found coins, pieces of wood, and iron nails. They called us to check into it.

We started cleaning some of the boat, and suddenly we saw the mortise and tenon joints. We found a Roman oil lamp and a Roman cooking pot. It was a boat from Roman times! This is what we had been waiting for.

At that moment, there appeared a beautiful double rainbow. It was like a blessing. We danced there like Indians from happiness.

Then the problems started. The wood was completely waterlogged so it was like wet cardboard. Our boss at the Department of Antiquities didn't have equipment. Our group was just two archaeologists, two fishermen, and two others. We had only three buckets and two shovels. An expedition like this normally brings with it a million dollars, a year of preparation, laboratories, and a 40-person professional crew.

It seemed like mission impossible. We needed miracles. Everything was a miracle on this boat. People were so fantastic. People from the nearby kibbutz worked day and night. Christians, Jews, Arabs—everybody joined in. Luckily for us, American ambassador Thomas Pickering and his wife jumped in the mud with us. He helped us get funding and preservation material.

Somebody leaked to the press that this was a Turkish treasure boat that everybody had been [seeking] for 200 years. The area became a madhouse. People trekked over the site looking for gold. People with guns were chasing each other from the site. In the end, we had to be protected by police and guard dogs.

I had never been on an excavation where security people protected us, but where we also had an ice cream van and hot dog stands. People came in droves just to watch. At one point, 13 television stations from around the world were filming what was going on. It's the best recorded excavation I know of.

But then it started to rain. The drought was over, and the water was rising. If we left the boat where it was, it would be preserved. In another 200 years, maybe somebody else would find it. So we raced against time to clean the boat before the water reached it. We built dikes around it to continue the work.

It was so fragile. How did you get it out of the mud?

We built fiberglass ribs to support it, but they were not enough. So we made a cocoon out of plastic foam. We thought that maybe the foam cocoon would float. So we opened the dike, and after 2,000 years, the boat floated again on the Sea of Galilee. It floated about three kilometers to where we had built a pool, by the Yigal Allon Museum.

We then had to take off the plastic. It was worse than the mud. If it were cut with a hot knife, it would produce cyanide. So we had to use our fingernails.

We filled the pool with sweet water until 60,000 liters of polyethylene glycol arrived almost a year later from India, courtesy of Dow Chemical. One day, we noticed that the boat was full of worms. There were eggs in the mud from 2,000 years ago. We're talking Jurassic Park here. We could fight it with the chemicals, but then we'd pollute the water, and it would take another 10 years to get rid of that. We brought in experts from the U.S., but nobody knew how to do it without pollution. All the time, the fishermen stood around smiling. Finally they said, "Leave it to us; it won't cost anything." So they brought some goldfish and carp. The fish lived off the parasites for a year.



Friday 23 April 2010

精彩, 神奇, 超卓的教會講道

真係大開眼界. 呢個浸信會牧師認為, 根據聖經o既教導, 男人要企喺度呵尿, 坐喺度並唔係男人o既所為. 五月尾要去一間教會講道, 因為我一個月內連去兩次. 本來都諗唔到要講乜好, 但係而家好想講教會點解 abuse 聖經, 往往以聖經o既名義喺度自說自話, 順便講埋自己點解讀聖經研究.

Saturday 17 April 2010



【本報訊】立場保守的基督教右派,近年在本港發展得聲勢浩大,不但呼籲信眾以白票反公投,還打壓信眾參與社會運動。宗教霸權關注行動成員秦晞輝表示,中國基督教播道會恩福堂一名有 10年信仰的 80後女信眾,懷疑因積極參加反高鐵運動,去年準備受洗前夕突遭教會喝停,批評右派教牧強迫信眾保皇。

秦晞輝昨日在「反對宗教護蔭權貴」記者會上,分享一名女性友人在教會內遭到邊緣化的經歷。他說這位 80後女性友人,已經有 10年信仰,是一位虔誠的基督信徒,但平日在教會內,得不到其他信眾認同,原因是她經常參與社運,包括反高鐵運動,每年也風雨不改出席六四集會與 7.1遊行,「佢每次同其他信眾講開呢啲社會議題,大家就傾唔埋,慢慢佢覺得自己喺教會內俾人邊緣化,有時甚至有活動都唔預埋佢參與。」


主任牧師立場親建制友人原本準備於去年接受洗禮,並已完成了教會內要求的三個受洗前課程,然而在受洗前夕,有教會高層卻向她表示,暫時不能安排她受洗,原因是她的信仰未夠深,未適合受洗。秦坦言事件雖然對其友人帶來不少衝擊,但幸好沒有影響她參與社運的決心,「佢決定繼續留喺教會裏面,因為佢相信,有朝一日可以改變其他信眾嘅睇法, tune(調節)返正大家。」



我最憎呢 d 嘢. 反高鐵而唔俾人受洗就估然係唔得, 而官方答案: "信仰未夠深, 未適合受洗", 亦同樣不知所謂. 受洗要信仰夠深, 到底聖經邊度有咁講過? 夠唔夠深, 到底又係由邊個決定? 你叫蘇穎智嚟同我 debate 下, 我一樣可以證實佢信仰同聖經知識未夠深. 我過去十幾年全職讀聖經研究同神學, 都未敢自覺"信仰夠深". 自以為信仰夠深o既人, 恐怕只係無知吧?

Saturday 10 April 2010

Are We Servants of God like Aaron? [sermon script]

最近我有兩份教會工去見, 兩間教會都叫我去星期日去講下道. 聽日將會係第一次, 我會講出埃及記 32, 尋日練習咗幾次, 錄低咗.

Friday 26 March 2010


呢齣教會電影教你, 如果你要拯救一段頻臨破裂o既婚姻, 你需要先準備一大筆私己錢, 唔係o既話, 你做幾多好嘢去冧你個老婆/公都冇用.

Sunday 21 March 2010


繼影音使團世紀鉅作"驚世啓示"之後, 最近返團契又睇到另一齣非常嚇人o既教會電影, 叫"Fireproof", 竟然係一齣宣揚港女價值, 金錢至上, 物質主義o既教會福音電影, 可謂奇片, 日後會講下.

回想, 其實我好少會鍾意睇教會電影, 因為通常都拍得太露骨, 反而有時睇普通電影, 我覺得當中講/宣傳基督教價值仲來得有效. 例如呢齣"聽說" (唔係教會電影), 講基督教家庭o既兩姊妹o既生活, 我就覺得好好睇, 自然得來又感人, 拍出兩姊妹否定自我, 爭先為對方犠牲o既精神. 一般咁o既角色, 都會令人覺得好假, 不過就正是佢地o既基督教背景, 令成件事變得合理.有時唔係要 hard-sell 先至入腦的; 不停夾硬來的, 叫"催眠".

"聽說"係我最鍾意o既 2009 電影, 雖然故事簡單, 但係幾乎每個角色我都好鍾意, 唯一差少少係個男主角比較淺薄. 而我最鍾意係全片o既氣氛, 因為故事講聾/啞人, 大部份對白都用手語交代, 但係個導演冇用另一把聲配音落 d 手語度, 而係要觀眾睇字幕, 效果竟然極為出色, 反而令人睇得非常投入. 當然, 自從"這裡發現愛"後, 早就鍾意睇陳妍希, 所以喺呢齣電影入面有佢做家姐, 我就更加鍾意睇.

評分: 4.5/5

Saturday 27 February 2010


之前喺 Ontario, 都係用 Bell o既 DSL 上網, 但係當時就已經聽講過 TekSavvy 係一間好好多o既公司. 返到嚟 Vancouver, 我就開始用 TekSavvy, 因為 Shaw 同 Telus 都冇無限頻宽, 用到 60-100 GB 咁上下, 就會 cut 你, 好麻煩. 而 TekSavvy 就價錢差唔多, 但係用幾多都冇所謂, 理論上, 一個月可以用 200 GB, 如果俾多十蚊雞就可以變無限, 但係我其實每個月都一定用多過 200 GB (因為最近好多新 game 出), 佢地都冇出聲. 速度正常. 同埋以我個人經驗, 電話服務 d 人相當有禮, Bell/Telus 班不該差好遠.

唯一唔好就係因為 TekSavvy 其實都係用 Telus d 工具, 所以當 setup o既時候, 其實係要透過 Telus 嚟做, 而 Telus 就會玩嘢, 拖遲 d 嘢嚟做, 簡單事情複雜化, 令 d 無知o既人以為係 TekSavvy o既服務差. 賤到無倫. Telus 同 Shaw 一向都係獨大, 玩晒, 所以不管服務質素幾差, 溫哥華居民都要忍佢, 雖然 TekSavvy 喺 set up 嗰時有可能會麻煩少少, 但係都唔要用 Telus/Shaw, 作為抗議.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

痞子蔡: <鯨魚女孩‧池塘男孩>


剛剛完成溫哥華冬奧嗰份工, 係一個好搞笑, 好奇特o既經驗. 雖然比預計中少賺一千蚊, 但係都唔係好緊要, 本來有嘢做就係額外, 應該覺得感恩先係. 而家先休息幾日, 之後就將成個經驗寫出嚟, 做個紀錄.

難得o既係, 一開始失業, 就開始有好多嘢玩: Heavy Rain 已經出咗, Final Fantasy XIII 就快出, 而今日又突然見到痞子蔡有新書出... 咁多好嘢玩, 所以都唔會覺得好落寞.

Monday 8 February 2010


有 d 電影, 雖然唔係特別好睇, 但係唔知點解會特別鍾意. 早幾日睇到一齣我覺得唔算係好特別, 但係我自己就好鍾意o既電影, 叫 Adventureland. 幾日前睇咗另一齣我好鍾意o既戲, 叫 Zombieland (第日再寫), 好鍾意入面個男主角, 所以順便睇埋佢o既另一齣新戲, 就係 Adventureland. 本來以為係好似 Euro Trip 之類o既青春喜劇, 但係其實故事相當成熟寫實, 甚至有少少負面.

我好少特別鍾意邊個男演員, 但係呢個我鍾意. 故事講佢係一個讀比較文學o既人, 考咗入哥倫比亞大學o既研究院, 但係唔夠錢去讀, 想搵暑期工又乜都搵唔到, 最後去咗一個遊樂場做嘢, 齣戲就講佢呢段時間o既經驗. 唔使多講, 知我背景o既, 都應該能夠明白點解呢齣戲一開始我就睇得投入, 因為主角嗰種迷失 feel, 我真係身同感受. 其實故事冇乜大上大落, 平平咁講到尾, 但係我就由頭到尾都唔覺有任何一刻悶場. 睇個主角最後終於去咗 New York, 雖然唔係佢計劃咁發生, 但係都為佢高興.

另一個我好鍾意呢齣戲o既原因係因為佢o既音樂, 個導演選 d 歌真係好好聽. 呢齣戲個 setting 係喺 80 年代, 所以個故事有講到對草, 連反猶主義都有講到, 但係最能夠突出 80 年代 feel o既, 始終都係 d 音樂.

除主角外, 其他幾個配角我都鍾意, 其中最正就係呢個食煙斗, 讀俄羅斯文學而失戀又失業o既 Joel, 佢不時講 d 好正o既金句, 又係主角o既益友, 好正. 做靚女 Lisa P. 嗰個女仔亦幾靚, 有說服力, 後來睇返, 先知原來呢個就係喺 The Invisible 入面做 Annie 嗰個, 當時就已經覺佢靚. 以下係其中一段我最鍾意o既對白, 我打算背起佢, 將來人地問到, 我就照答.

Sue: What are you majoring in?
Joel: Russian literature and Slavic languages.
Sue: Oh wow, that's pretty interesting. What career track is that?
Joel: Cabby, hot dog vendor, marijuana delivery guy.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

12 Angry Men

最近溫哥華冬季奧運嗰份 x-ray 工開始咗, 所以都冇乜時間寫嘢, 不過今日難得放假, 又有精神, 就講下最近睇過一齣我覺得好正o既舊片, 叫十二怒漢. 差不多成齣戲就由十二個人做晒, 場景亦主要只得一個, 就係一間房, 但係齣戲由頭到尾都好刺激, 絶無冷場, 真係神乎奇技.

故事講到有個由十二人組成o既陪審團, 要決定一宗殺人案o既 suspect 係咪有罪, 而結果一定要十二人都同意先可以成立. 故事開始嗰時, 本來十二個人當中有十一個人覺得立即就可以達成一致意見, 定個人有罪, 但係其中一個人覺得有花多少少時間討論o既必要, 而成齣戲, 就講如何由一個人覺得要判無罪, 變成十二人認為要判無罪, 當中過程好好睇, 雖然只係得把口講, 但一 d 都唔悶. 而我最鍾意o既地方, 就係嗰十二個主角, 到齣戲完o既時候, 會覺得對佢地每一個都相當熟悉, 雖然話"主角"係當初力排眾議嗰個人, 但係都唔係佢一個人玩晒, 因為佢都有盲點, 其他成員都不時有 d 精明o既發現, 好多角色都有表現o既機會.

總結: 連我呢種只鐘意睇動作片/恐怖片o既人都咁鐘意睇呢齣全無動作, 只有對白, 場景簡單o既電影, 算係一個異數. 大力推薦, 應該必人都會鐘意睇.

Sunday 31 January 2010


時常喺教會聽人講見証時都會心諗, 其實佢地講嗰 d "神蹟"/"奇事"唔証明乜嘢, 因為其他宗教都一樣有咁多同樣o既見証. 例如, 香港冧樓事件後, 就見到呢一篇"証實"北帝大能o既見証.





