Thursday 29 October 2020

《夠殭人魔》Dracula 2000 睇唔睇得過? (2000)


呢齣戲細個嗰時已經睇過, 但我都係早兩日翻睇先發覺, 原來做吸血鬼嗰個係Gerard Butler嚟 sosad

[免費書] The Text of Leviticus


"The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélémy Institute, held in Fribourg (October 2015)" 而家可以透過Peeters的官網免費下載. 



The book of Leviticus is by far the most quoted in rabbinic literature such as the Mishna or the Talmud, while it has been marginalized in the Christian tradition. Nevertheless, scholars of both traditions have again become highly interested in it for some decades now. As shown by many recent publications, the book is thoroughly studied for textual, literary, historical and reception aspects.

It has often been said and written that the text of Leviticus is stable in comparison to many other books of the Hebrew Bible, and that its Greek translation is quite literal. Yet, the text of Leviticus continues to raise questions, not only regarding its content and textual witnesses, but also its interpretation, history and reception. The third international colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, held in Fribourg in October 2015, aimed to bring together some specialists of the text of Leviticus in order to advance research on its textual witnesses and the aforementioned topics.

The articles collected in this book reflect the width of current research. They deal with the witnesses to the text of Leviticus in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Masoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint. They also study the book’s Hebrew editing; its relation to other books such as Joshua, Luke-Acts and Flavius Josephus; and the challenge of its translation, with a case study in French.

Monday 26 October 2020

學生投訴 Moody Bible Institute / Abuse女友的基督徒男友 / 《花地瑪: 玫瑰神蹟降臨》


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


有大牌導演同大明星做的Netflix電影, 你估我俾幾分? sosad

《奪命守門人》The Doorman 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


呢齣個半鐘的動作片, 去到成四十幾分鐘先有第一場正式的動作場面.

《玩命直播》Follow Me 睇唔睇得過? (2020)



《王者天下》睇唔睇得過? (2019) || 個男主角好X嘈 sosad


個男主角好X嘈 sosad

Thursday 22 October 2020

[免費書] Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation


"Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation"而家可以透過Bloomsbury Open Access免費下載或直接網上睇. 本書喺Amazon定價差唔多成800蚊的.



Religion, ethnicity and race are facets of identity that have become increasingly contested. They intersect and overlap in complex and varied ways, and study of the Bible and Christian origins contributes much to a discussion of these ideas. The modern discipline of biblical studies developed in the context of Western Europe, concurrent with the emergence of various racial and imperial ideologies. The essays in this volume deal both with historical facets of ethnicity and race in antiquity, in particular in relation to the identities of Jews and Christians and also with the critique of scholarly ideologies and racial assumptions which have shaped biblical studies

Together, the essays critique various Western European and North American contexts, and bring fresh perspectives from other global contexts, providing insights into how biblical studies can escape its enmeshment in Western (often racist) notions of ethnicity, race, empire, nationhood and religion.

Monday 19 October 2020

[免費書] Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature


"Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature"而家可以透過Bloomsbury Open Access免費下載或直接網上睇. 本書喺Amazon定價接近成千蚊的. 



Jewish and early Christian authors discussed Abraham in numerous and diverse ways, adapting his Old Testament narratives and using Abrahamic imagery in their works. However, while some areas of study in Abrahamic texts have received much scholarly attention, other areas remain nearly untouched. Beginning with a perspective on how Abraham was used within Jewish literature, this collection of essays follows the impact of Abraham across biblical texts–including Pseudigraphic and Apocryphal texts – into early Greek, Latin and Gnostic literature.

These essays build upon existing Abraham scholarship, by discussing Abraham in less explored areas such as rewritten scripture, Philo of Alexandria, Josephus, the Apostolic Fathers and contemporary Greek and Latin authors. Through the presentation of a more thorough outline of the impact of the figure and stories of Abraham, the contributors to this volume create a concise and complete idea of how his narrative was employed throughout the centuries, and how ancient authors adopted and adapted received traditions.

15隻最鍾意的PS4 Games

聖經學術研究: 女人蒙頭同睪丸之間的關係 / call-in: Howtin慘遭女聽眾物化


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R, Sunny

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Jason, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《十三號星期五5:新開始》Friday the 13th: A New Beginning 睇唔睇得過? (1985)


呢個系列由《終結篇》到《新開始》只差一年 sosad

《魔鬼手記》The Ninth Gate 睇唔睇得過? (1999)


齣戲爛尾, 但我好鍾意齣戲. 

《傑拉德的遊戲》Gerald's Game 睇唔睇得過? (2017) || 床上版《127小時》sosad



《新聞守護者》Mr Jones 睇唔睇得過? (2019)


我好憎Peter Sarsgaard, 但係佢喺呢齣戲入面的表現令我改觀 sosad

《Infinity Chamber》睇唔睇得過? (2016)


每次睇低成本科幻片都係一場賭博, 今次結果係...

Wednesday 14 October 2020

NYU網上免費conference: The Land that I Will Show You


繼之前嗰個死海古卷網上conference, NYU嚟緊10月25-28日又有網上的公開免費conference了, 今次題目係針對古代以色列的考古或歷史研究. 

透過下面條link, 可以睇到個schedule同埋報名方法. 號稱對考古學有興趣的人, 機會來了 sosad


Wednesday 7 October 2020

Loukas Karrer + Metropolitan Chrysostomos


希臘有個地方叫Zakynthos, 喺40年代被納粹佔領, 當時德軍命令個市長 Loukas Karrer 交出島上所有猶太人的名單. 同當地個東正教領袖 Chrysostomos 商量過後, 佢地交咗張名單出去, 上面就只有兩個名: 就係個市長同個主教的名字. 當地其他島民就幫D猶太人匿埋. 

最終奇蹟地, 德軍冇殺呢兩個擺明窩藏猶太人的人, 據講當時島上有275個猶太人, 好多因此死唔去. 


Tuesday 6 October 2020

Sunday 4 October 2020

敵擋掌權者、製作假證書的希臘主教 / 壞人冇樣睇 Howtin最盲目 / 信仰信箱


Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: 

jim_jim, 小玫子, Alvin, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, nicholas Lau, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, M Chung, 喂呀哥, LUKE LEUNG, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, Joyce Cheng, Kwun Tung Chan, Mirror Riddler, SGL, C9 Honey, 李俊榮, 樹懶叔, John Wick, philip lam, Vincent, Tortoise00110, Tak Pan Wong, Joyce Leung, Micheal Lau, Yip Wing Yen, Alize Lau, Cat Man, Andy Lee, Alan tham, 粉皮, Christopher Ho, R

Youtube 特約贊助商:

Peetak Lo, top72010, Esther Lau, 李總叔叔, Building Fours, Ho Lee, Lau klt chun, 喂呀哥, Jason Cheung, Calvin Lai, nelson wong, SGL, 2020 Sam, Phyllis Kamal, Kevin Wong, 陳四, Nice Lui, 趙高, Carolyn Leung

《American Murder: The Family Next Door》睇唔睇得過? (2020) || 齣戲個中文名穿橋, 所以唔寫喺度 sosad


齣戲個中文名穿橋, 所以唔寫喺度, 翻譯嗰條粉腸都黐線 sosad

《願者上網》The Social Dilemma 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


如果鍾意Netflix之前嗰齣The Great Hack的話, 呢齣都會o岩睇.

《天才少女福爾摩斯》Enola Holmes 睇唔睇得過? (2020)


Howtin夫人睇得好開心 sosad