Saturday 30 September 2023








影音使團呼籲眾弟兄姊妹為佢地"代禱"喎. 唔知點解D代禱事項望落似報價單多D 🙂


我一直唔明, 做乜以勒基金嗰個總幹事陳歐陽桂芬咁撐影音使團去搵方舟, 頭先睇創世電視一個節目, 見到佢講以下的嘢, 終於明白, 條友相信神已經興起中國, 令中國成為世界強國, 所以由中國人搵到方舟係合情合理的事 (對佢嚟講), 呢班中國人的不專業, 就更顯出係神的作為 sosad:

"上帝不斷興起中國人, 不斷興起華人, 中國成為世界強國, 很多華人很多中國人被興起, 今天方舟探索, 能夠被一隊華人探索隊進入, 而這隊探索隊並非一直從事探索的人, 這更加值得我們思考."

Friday 22 September 2023

The person who coined the phrase Manic Pixie Dream Girl

People online often criticize a movie or tv series with the phrase Manic Pixie Dream Girl, thinking that they're educated critics who are capable of using a "technical" phrase in their tweet or comment. The fact is that the person who coined that phrase nearly 20 years ago openly admitted the regret of coining that phrase.

//I honestly hate the term too. I feel deeply weird, if not downright ashamed, at having created a cliché that has been trotted out again and again in an infinite Internet feedback loop. I understand how someone could read the A.V. Club list of Manic Pixie Dream Girls and be offended by the assertion that a character they deeply love and have an enduring affection for, whether it’s Diane Keaton’s Annie Hall or Katharine Hepburn in “Bringing Up Baby,” is nothing more than a representation of a sexist trope or some sad dude’s regressive fantasy.

It doesn't make sense that a character as nuanced and unforgettable as Annie Hall could exist solely to cheer up Alvy Singer. As Kazan has noted, Allen based a lot of Annie Hall on Diane Keaton, who, as far as I know, is a real person and not a ridiculous male fantasy.//