Thursday 4 March 2021

CBGM 應該都好難睇得明...

之前提過, 我都好有興趣想學多 D 關於 Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM) 的知識. 我都真係有去搵D書同文章嚟睇o架, 不過真係睇到一舊雲, 直至我睇到呢篇文章: 

Stephen C. Carlson, "A Bias at the Heart of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)," JBL 139 (2020) 319-340.

呢篇文算係寫得比較易明, 起碼我明的部份算係多少少. 但係令我感到絕望的, 係跟住我喺網上見到一篇由Gerd Mink寫的回應文章, 直指Stephen Carlson誤解咗CBGM, 而Gerd Mink就係CBGM的原創人: 

//Criticisms of the CBGM are always welcomed, and we are eager to incorporate suggestions for improving it. Unfortunately we were not able to use Carlson’s publication as fodder for making improvements because his article evinces a general lack of understanding of the method.


The core problem of Carlson’s article is that he does not seem to understand the overall concept of the CBGM.


Carlson's assumption that there is bias in the CBGM is the result of misunderstandings and wrong application.


In only selectively and superficially engaging with the relevant literature, Carlson’s article has unfortunately cultivated a new series of misunderstandings about the CBGM and its functionalities, most of which could have been avoided had he just made use of my entry level “Introductory Presentation.”//

如果連Stephen Carlson一篇登喺JBL的學術文章都睇唔明CBGM, 咁我何德何能, 點會搞得明? sosad

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