Tuesday 4 September 2007

McKnight on New Perspective on Paul

頭先無意中見 Scot McKnight 個 blog 度有一連串講關於 new perspective on Paul o既 posts. 一向都鍾意 Scot McKnight, 呢幾篇文亦寫得夠淺白, 值得一讀. 最令我覺得驚訝o既係o係第一篇個開頭, 佢話:

"The opposition to certain elements of the NPP has become so fierce for some that denominations have gathered to see if pastors who represent that denomination adhere to the NPP or not — if they do, they’re out."

嘩, 大佬, 使唔使呀? 諗o黎諗去都諗唔到 new perspective 有乜o野辣著 d 教會領袖, 真係 r 晒頭. 我估, 可能會估錯, 教會當o左馬丁路德係神o卦? 所以路德o既教導係神所默示的, 反路德就等於反基督... 不過估下 je, 可能有其他我等凡夫俗子所不能理會o既苦衷o既. 好在老早就已經打定主意唔會做教會工, 唔係就仲慘過住北韓.

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