Sunday 28 December 2008

Bible Quiz (聖誕版)

可以唔睇聖經就答中呢十題o既, 我封你為高手. 提示: 每題都只有一個答案, 馬太福音, 或馬可福音, 或路加福音, 或約翰福音.

1 - Which Gospel talks about the magi?

2 - Which Gospel has Jesus born in a manger?

3 - Which Gospel talks about Herod's persecution of baby Jesus?

4 - Which Gospel says Jesus shall be called Emmanuel?

5 - Which Gospel talks about shepherds who hear about Jesus' birth from angels?

6 - Which Gospel talks about Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem for taxing purposes?

7 - Which Gospel mentions a star that leads the way to baby Jesus?

8 - Which Gospel talks about Jesus' trip to Egypt?

9 - Which Gospel actually talks about the very day when Jesus was born?

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