剛剛睇完上一季一齣我覺得好好睇, 但係冇乜人識欣賞o既日劇, 叫做 Oh My Girl. 我覺得非常鍾意, 但係喺日本冇人睇, 搞到要 cut 短到得返九集, 真係有冇搞錯? 個故事講有個做雜誌社o既男仔, 佢個好冇責任感o既家姐留低個女要佢照顧, 而呢個細路女係個童星, 亦有個女仔經理人跟住佢, 故事就講呢三個人住埋一齊o既大小事. 故事好簡單, 但係睇得好舒服, 好開心.
老老實實, 我一向都唔鍾意睇有細路仔做主角o既戲/電視, 我天生就係討厭細路, 尤其係人地覺得 cute 嗰 d. 但係呢齣個女仔主角唔同, 而家睇完齣嘢我變到好鍾意佢. 喺故事入面佢做明星, 下下都要食好嘢, 夜晚做 facial, 朝早起床跳埋 d 搞笑健康舞, 唔會扮 kawaii, 但係又唔會扮到好老成, 剛好喺中間. 連我呢種抱有"細路歧視"o既人都鍾意, 可見呢個細路女真係魅力非凡.
呢齣戲我最鍾意睇個細路女同男主角之間o既關係. 由開始互相唔鍾意, 到慢慢培養出雙向o既 attachment, 所以去到結局, 當個女仔同個主角講佢地要分開嗰時, 佢地由扮冇嘢到忍唔住一齊喊嗰幕, 我覺得真係好睇, 非常有 feel. 只係友誼, 同埋想黐住對方o既渴望, 比起成日有得睇o既男女浪漫, 我覺得更加 touching.
個女經理人都好多出鏡. 其實我之前都有喺其他劇集見過佢, 不過唔鍾意佢, 因為佢個混血樣好怪, 但係而家又覺得越睇越順眼, 都唔錯. 總之, 呢齣係好嘢. 雖然冇口碑, 亦冇人睇, 但係呢齣係我睇過最鍾意o既日劇之一. 主題曲亦好聽.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Bible Quiz (聖誕版)
可以唔睇聖經就答中呢十題o既, 我封你為高手. 提示: 每題都只有一個答案, 馬太福音, 或馬可福音, 或路加福音, 或約翰福音.
1 - Which Gospel talks about the magi?
2 - Which Gospel has Jesus born in a manger?
3 - Which Gospel talks about Herod's persecution of baby Jesus?
4 - Which Gospel says Jesus shall be called Emmanuel?
5 - Which Gospel talks about shepherds who hear about Jesus' birth from angels?
6 - Which Gospel talks about Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem for taxing purposes?
7 - Which Gospel mentions a star that leads the way to baby Jesus?
8 - Which Gospel talks about Jesus' trip to Egypt?
9 - Which Gospel actually talks about the very day when Jesus was born?
1 - Which Gospel talks about the magi?
2 - Which Gospel has Jesus born in a manger?
3 - Which Gospel talks about Herod's persecution of baby Jesus?
4 - Which Gospel says Jesus shall be called Emmanuel?
5 - Which Gospel talks about shepherds who hear about Jesus' birth from angels?
6 - Which Gospel talks about Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem for taxing purposes?
7 - Which Gospel mentions a star that leads the way to baby Jesus?
8 - Which Gospel talks about Jesus' trip to Egypt?
9 - Which Gospel actually talks about the very day when Jesus was born?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
玩到尾o既 RPG (7):Shadow Hearts: Covenant
老老實實, 雖然全世界講到 RPG 就會諗起 Final Fantasy, 但係我覺得呢隻真係歷史上最好o既 RPG 之一, 雖然名氣唔算大, 但係絕對算得上係經典. 呢隻係 Shadow Hearts o既第二集, 故事直接繼承第一集, 一開始就知道第一集個女主角 Alice 已經死咗, 得返男主角 Yuri 一個, 無無聊聊, 明顯有一定o既自殺傾向. 雖然我玩呢隻 game 嗰時未玩過第一集, 不過個故事都明, 跟到冇問題.
到底有乜咁好玩呢? 先講角色, d 角色真係寫得太好, 多個角色都好立體. 男主角 Yuri 係我最鍾意o既 RPG 角色, 佢性格設定寫得好深入, 表面上佢係個把口好衰, 乜都唔驚o既半人半怪獸. 呢隻 game 其中最搞笑o既 gag 就係 Yuri 多次開口勁寸 d 敵人大佬, 真係仲好笑過好多笑片. 但係內裡, 佢又極之脆弱, 由故事一開始佢就已經係一個內心支離破碎o既人, 朋友係隻狗, 同埋一個同樣失去咗親人o既一個老人家. 所以去到故事後半, 當 Yuri 再見到前女友一面, 但係又唔能夠幫佢復活嗰刻喊咗出嚟, 我覺得係好合理o既劇情發展, 亦好 touching. Alice 喺今集冇乜出鏡 (因為已經死咗), 但係佢同 Yuri 同 Karin o既三角關係都好深刻. Yuri 係好掛住 Alice, 但係隨住故事推進, 受 Karin 同埋其他朋友影響, 可以感覺到 Yuri 其實都改變好多.
除 Yuri 同埋 Karin 兩個非常討人歡喜o既主角, 仲有好多佢地身邊好精彩o既角色. 佢地其中一個隊友叫 Joakim, 係我打唔埋 RPG 以來最搞笑o既一個角色, 真係經典之中o既經典. 隻狗 Blanca 亦好型, 同埋個俄國公主 Anastasia 亦係一個好搞笑o既角色. 不單止佢地, 連敵人都好精彩, 例如 Lenny 同 Veronica, 佢地同幾位主角之間o既對話真係好笑到痺. Lenny 相當受歡迎, 所以喺 Shadow Hearts 第三集甚至安排咗個正派角色俾佢.
至於故事, 喺呢一班咁出色o既角色推進之下, 當然係非常吸引. 尤其係故事一開始就講到 Yuri 身受詛咒, 應該係冇得救, 雖然佢本身亦唔係好 care, 因為佢都有少少想死, 但係玩家就會由頭到尾都會諗到, 佢點算好呢? 不過我就唔係咁鍾意結局對 Yuri 同 Karin o既安排, 有點兒美中不足.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
多年前, 香港有條粉腸叫詹培忠, 口出狂言, 話所有女人都係雞, 十個女人十隻雞, 老婆就係私家雞. 呢個人分明就係壞腦, 所以家下佢甩晒頭髮我一 d 都不覺奇怪. 須知道, 雞, 即是妓女, 乃係一門職業, 又邊有可能所有女人都係妓女? 我就唔信所有女人同人上完床都會問人收肉金.
諗唔到香港人中壞腦o既唔止呢個詹培忠. 最近倪震單嘢人人都加把口, 好多學生哥臨近聖誕唔使返學, 特別得閒, 一單小新聞抄到咁大, 幾年前吳鎮宇喺 karaoke 咀陳雅倫咪一模一樣, 又唔見佢煲到咁大. 我特別留意到, 好多人都針對個學生妹張茆, 上 youtube 或高登睇下, 人人都話佢係雞, 又話佢姣, 又話佢勾佬之類... 佢當然唔係雞啦 都冇證據佢靠賣肉收錢. 如果"雞"o既定義連佢都可以包括在內, 咁詹培忠就真係講得冇錯, 所有女人都可以叫做"雞". 姣? 首先, 姣o既定義唔清晰, 如果係指鍾意識男仔的話, 邊個女大學生唔鍾意? 仲有, 勾乜佬? 倪震又未結婚, 莫講話佢有自由去結識可能更適合佢o既女性, 就算當佢已經係人老公, 佢去滾係佢o既錯, 鬧個女仔做乜? 我又唔見有任何人鬧倪震係鴨喎.
我不得不認為, 香港人都係習慣賤視女性, 有乜唔啱睇, 就標籤人係妓女, 所作所為可謂幼稚頂透兼夾賤到無倫.
諗唔到香港人中壞腦o既唔止呢個詹培忠. 最近倪震單嘢人人都加把口, 好多學生哥臨近聖誕唔使返學, 特別得閒, 一單小新聞抄到咁大, 幾年前吳鎮宇喺 karaoke 咀陳雅倫咪一模一樣, 又唔見佢煲到咁大. 我特別留意到, 好多人都針對個學生妹張茆, 上 youtube 或高登睇下, 人人都話佢係雞, 又話佢姣, 又話佢勾佬之類... 佢當然唔係雞啦 都冇證據佢靠賣肉收錢. 如果"雞"o既定義連佢都可以包括在內, 咁詹培忠就真係講得冇錯, 所有女人都可以叫做"雞". 姣? 首先, 姣o既定義唔清晰, 如果係指鍾意識男仔的話, 邊個女大學生唔鍾意? 仲有, 勾乜佬? 倪震又未結婚, 莫講話佢有自由去結識可能更適合佢o既女性, 就算當佢已經係人老公, 佢去滾係佢o既錯, 鬧個女仔做乜? 我又唔見有任何人鬧倪震係鴨喎.
我不得不認為, 香港人都係習慣賤視女性, 有乜唔啱睇, 就標籤人係妓女, 所作所為可謂幼稚頂透兼夾賤到無倫.
Friday, 19 December 2008
玩到尾o既 RPG (6):英雄傳說: 風之軌跡 FC
過去幾個月, 我每一次開部 PSP 就係玩呢隻 RPG, 係風之軌跡三部曲o既第一集, 我玩嗰個係中文版本, PSP 真係好正. 但係我喺屋企係唔會開, 而係坐車呀, 出街食嘢等人 serve 呀, 等巴士呀, 每逢有少少空閒時間就開嚟玩, 上個禮拜終於爆機. 其實呢隻唔算係好出色o既 RPG, 故事太過簡單, 不過至少兩個主角都算係討喜, 兩個之間互動亦足夠. 不過個故事去到結局, 突然之間變得極為有趣, 非常有 feel, 此乃多得之前編故事嗰個人俾足夠空間去處理兩個主角之間關係. 老實講, 呢隻 game 玩到近尾, 我都開始覺得有 d 悶, 太過重複. 但係一睇完個結局, 我就立即開始玩第二集, 因為呢個三部曲故事有趣o既地方係喺第一集完結時才開始.
剛開始玩第二集, so far 似乎各方面都比第一集要優勝, 故事同角色都幾吸引, 我對佢期望都幾高.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
呢齣港產片係翻拍荷里活片 Cellular. Cellular 我睇過好多次, 因為係我最鍾意o既西片之一, 所以有人翻拍我覺得冇乜所謂, 多多益善. 之前睇好多影評, 有人話好睇過原版, 所以好期待. 睇完後就真係唔多覺.
故事方面, 同原版非常貼近, 只係細節上有分別, 同埋嘗試去補足原版中有 d 不合理o既地方. 例如, 原版主角部手機最後入晒水都仲用得, 當時我睇就覺得好無厘頭, 所以港版冇呢一幕, 同埋喺中間提及張家輝部手機入過水壞咗, 似乎係笑咗原版一嘢. 但係港版好多嘢拍得誇張過原版好多, 例如班 FBI 喺機場開槍殺人都仲想冇事, 又例如香港警察如何同班壞鬼 FBI 勾結上完全冇交代, 我就唔覺得喺"合理性"上有任何改進. 而原版其中一個吸引人o既地方, 就係兩個主角要不斷想辦法刻服佢地唔可以收線呢個難題, 由頭到尾都有事發生, 故事好緊湊; 但係呢 d 情節橋段喺港版中都冇乜分別, 重複用返晒, 所以已經冇晒第一次睇原版嗰時嗰種驚喜.
至於角色, 我最鍾意原版男女主角年齡上o既大差別, 所以睇到最後佢地見面, 為佢地之間o既友誼覺得好新鮮, 終於有齣荷里活片, 入面男女主角之間只有友誼, 完全冇其他幻想空間. 港版就唔同, 女主角年齡細咗好多, 男主角就大好多, 兩個都有個細路, 兩個都係失婚, 搞到最後曖曖昧昧咁, 仲荷里活過荷里活. 呢方面我覺得失望. 不過港版我好鍾意張家輝, 原版嗰個演員都好, 但係張家輝有種好討喜o既幽默感.
而港版拍最得好, 比原版好得多o既, 就係動作場面, 亦係陳木勝o既絕招. 飛車呀, 槍戰等等, 都拍得比原版厲害. 呢方面係出色o既.
總論, 我唔覺得港版比原版好, 最多只可以話, 香港成功拍出一齣比荷里活原著更加荷里活o既電影.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
黃毓民今受浸 教友質疑 被指甚少返教會 黃:得閒一定返
(明報)12月14日 星期日 05:05
明報記者 張岳弢
我 d 朋友都知, 我份人最討厭教會傳統. 其實係有其源頭: 好多年前, 我仲返中學團契嗰時, 當時有個朋友, 為人好到不得了, 盲o既都知佢係一個好到不得了o既基督徒. 後來, 佢想受浸, 但係教會竟然唔比佢, 原因係佢老豆老母唔俾佢返星期日崇拜, 所以出席率唔夠高. 當時我, 仲有幾個頭腦清醒o既人都好反感, 受浸同出席教會次數有乜關係? 有邊句聖經有咁講過? 相反, 好多聖經人物受浸前根本就冇返過教會, 信o既人, 就應該受洗, 就係咁簡單. 受洗前要返夠幾多幾多教會, 受洗前要上足幾多幾多堂, 全部都係教會傳統, 只係傳統而已, 根本聖經就冇講過. 好明顯, 呢班壞腦o既人, 以為自己作出嚟o既傳統就係神o既話語.
估唔到今日又見到呢單類似o既新聞. 教會 d 人成日話人失見證, 以我所見, 再醜都及不上呢班自以為可以為聖經"釋法"o既蠢人. 辣塊媽媽, 真係好能憎教會傳統.
黃毓民今受浸 教友質疑 被指甚少返教會 黃:得閒一定返
(明報)12月14日 星期日 05:05
明報記者 張岳弢
我 d 朋友都知, 我份人最討厭教會傳統. 其實係有其源頭: 好多年前, 我仲返中學團契嗰時, 當時有個朋友, 為人好到不得了, 盲o既都知佢係一個好到不得了o既基督徒. 後來, 佢想受浸, 但係教會竟然唔比佢, 原因係佢老豆老母唔俾佢返星期日崇拜, 所以出席率唔夠高. 當時我, 仲有幾個頭腦清醒o既人都好反感, 受浸同出席教會次數有乜關係? 有邊句聖經有咁講過? 相反, 好多聖經人物受浸前根本就冇返過教會, 信o既人, 就應該受洗, 就係咁簡單. 受洗前要返夠幾多幾多教會, 受洗前要上足幾多幾多堂, 全部都係教會傳統, 只係傳統而已, 根本聖經就冇講過. 好明顯, 呢班壞腦o既人, 以為自己作出嚟o既傳統就係神o既話語.
估唔到今日又見到呢單類似o既新聞. 教會 d 人成日話人失見證, 以我所見, 再醜都及不上呢班自以為可以為聖經"釋法"o既蠢人. 辣塊媽媽, 真係好能憎教會傳統.
Friday, 5 December 2008
好似冇喺呢度提及過, 其實我而家去緊間中文教會o既英文聚會. 其實我個人好"中文", 不過佢地個中文崇拜有晒國語翻譯同廣東話, 我唔想一樣嘢聽兩次, 所以谷鬼氣去英文嗰邊與蕉同行. 最近負責英文嗰個大佬叫我幫佢地開班英文主日學, 答應咗. 上個星期日佢地有個特別食嘢聚會, 順便叫我幫班主日學宣傳下, 因為佢地而家進行緊嗰班冇人去, 佢地希望一月開始新班會多 d 人. 以下就係我講過o既內容, 以我演講經驗, 我覺得反應唔錯, 計劃會有反應o既地方都聽到有人笑.
A few weeks ago, Ed asked me to lead an adult Sunday school class, with a focus on the Old Testament. I shamelessly and irresponsibly agreed to do it, despite the fact that I don't know much about the subject matter at all. There is only one goal in this class: to have fun talking about the Old Testament. And I think it will be more fun if we focus on topics that we rarely talk about in church. It'll be boring if we just repeat what you've heard 10 thousand times, right? I can give you a preview of some weird topics that I can think of, they're not fancy, complicated topics, some of them are just basics.
For example, the most basic question, what's the Old Testament? The official answer: the word of God; divinely inspired, but what does that mean? You may even know that it means "God-breathed" in the Greek, I have the Greek for you there, but what exactly does "God-breathed" mean? This is the most important book in our life, can we be more specific about this? And OK, the bible is divinely inspired, but what is the bible? Why is Genesis in our bible; why is 1 Enoch, or 4 Ezra not in our bible? Who made that decision for us? Is that decision divinely inspired as well? Don't you want to talk about this in more detail?
We can also look at some interesting texts, such as this one: "Our boat stuck fast beside Mt. Nimush... I released the watch-bird in search of land. The bird came back within a day exhausted, unrelieved from lack of rest… I then released a raven in search of land. The bird took flight above more shallow seas, found food and found release and found no need to fly on back to me." Can you guess what this is? No this is not Noah in Genesis, this is the Gilgamesh Epic. If you want to know more about this, come to Sunday school.
Have you heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? They're coming to Toronto next year, and I can tell you, they're extremely important to Old Testament studies. Such as how, you ask?
Do we have anyone who uses the NRSV bible here? Look at this passage in the NIV. And here is the same passage in the NRSV. Even if you cannot read English, I'm sure you can tell they look very different. Woo, what happened to our bibles? Didn't we hear that we can't add or subtract even a letter from the bible? It is because of the Dead Sea Scrolls. You may not know it, but the bible that you're reading changed and will change because of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Why is that? Well, come to Sunday school and I'll tell you more about it.
We may also look at some interesting bible passages, such as this one here. Bible quiz: who killed Goliath? We all know the story. David killed Goliath, a giant who is almost as tall as Karen Wong. But, a bit further in the Book of Samuel, there it says it was Elhanan who killed Goliath. Woo woo woo, this seems really wrong, well not just you, apparently the author of the Book of Chronicles also feels uncomfortable about this: he changed the text a bit, saying that Elhanan didn't kill Goliath, he just killed Goliath's brother. We can look at things like that.
We can also talk about some goofy stuff, such as the Bible Code, have you heard about that? I can tell you here and now, it is an insanely idiotic, ridiculously stupid idea, it just doesn't work. You can see I'm really angry, that's because I wasted 20 bucks on this piece of trash. I can tell you how stupid it is in Sunday school.
And we all love archaeology, I can show you a few cool things. Such as this one, the Tel Dan Inscription. Some scholars think that this is the earliest evidence of the expression "the house of David", but some others think, No, it doesn't say that. Why do they disagree on something so simple?
You all remember the amazing story about Hezekiah right? Jerusalem was under attack, so he dug a tunnel for water, and an angel of God killed his enemies for him. We have not found the angel, but we found that tunnel. In that tunnel we also found an inscription. What does it say? Of course I'm not telling you now, the whole point of this thing is just to tease you.
And sheesh there are so many things we can talk about, like all these objects that carry the names of a number of people in the Old Testament. But I think that's enough for a preview. We begin in January, anyone is welcome. Yeah, I'm sure you can tell already, we're going to touch on some sticky issues. But, in case you are, there's no need to worry at all, if you think about it, when you first became a Christian, you knew next to nothing about the bible; there's no way you'll lose your faith because you are going know more about the bible. I myself never fear to ask the most difficult questions, not just because I'm a rebellious person, but also because I hold firm to the conviction that the bible is the word of God, it is not like I'll ask a really challenging question and inadvertently destroy the bible. It just won't happen! I take this as the spiritual aspect of this class, just to have the guts to ask the most difficult questions regarding the bible is in itself a training of faith and confidence in the bible. But of course, I'm not your pastor and not your mom, I don't really care about your spiritual growth, our number 1 priority is just to have fun talking about the Old Testament. I'm pretty sure we can make that happen at the very least.
A few weeks ago, Ed asked me to lead an adult Sunday school class, with a focus on the Old Testament. I shamelessly and irresponsibly agreed to do it, despite the fact that I don't know much about the subject matter at all. There is only one goal in this class: to have fun talking about the Old Testament. And I think it will be more fun if we focus on topics that we rarely talk about in church. It'll be boring if we just repeat what you've heard 10 thousand times, right? I can give you a preview of some weird topics that I can think of, they're not fancy, complicated topics, some of them are just basics.
For example, the most basic question, what's the Old Testament? The official answer: the word of God; divinely inspired, but what does that mean? You may even know that it means "God-breathed" in the Greek, I have the Greek for you there, but what exactly does "God-breathed" mean? This is the most important book in our life, can we be more specific about this? And OK, the bible is divinely inspired, but what is the bible? Why is Genesis in our bible; why is 1 Enoch, or 4 Ezra not in our bible? Who made that decision for us? Is that decision divinely inspired as well? Don't you want to talk about this in more detail?
We can also look at some interesting texts, such as this one: "Our boat stuck fast beside Mt. Nimush... I released the watch-bird in search of land. The bird came back within a day exhausted, unrelieved from lack of rest… I then released a raven in search of land. The bird took flight above more shallow seas, found food and found release and found no need to fly on back to me." Can you guess what this is? No this is not Noah in Genesis, this is the Gilgamesh Epic. If you want to know more about this, come to Sunday school.
Have you heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? They're coming to Toronto next year, and I can tell you, they're extremely important to Old Testament studies. Such as how, you ask?
Do we have anyone who uses the NRSV bible here? Look at this passage in the NIV. And here is the same passage in the NRSV. Even if you cannot read English, I'm sure you can tell they look very different. Woo, what happened to our bibles? Didn't we hear that we can't add or subtract even a letter from the bible? It is because of the Dead Sea Scrolls. You may not know it, but the bible that you're reading changed and will change because of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Why is that? Well, come to Sunday school and I'll tell you more about it.
We may also look at some interesting bible passages, such as this one here. Bible quiz: who killed Goliath? We all know the story. David killed Goliath, a giant who is almost as tall as Karen Wong. But, a bit further in the Book of Samuel, there it says it was Elhanan who killed Goliath. Woo woo woo, this seems really wrong, well not just you, apparently the author of the Book of Chronicles also feels uncomfortable about this: he changed the text a bit, saying that Elhanan didn't kill Goliath, he just killed Goliath's brother. We can look at things like that.
We can also talk about some goofy stuff, such as the Bible Code, have you heard about that? I can tell you here and now, it is an insanely idiotic, ridiculously stupid idea, it just doesn't work. You can see I'm really angry, that's because I wasted 20 bucks on this piece of trash. I can tell you how stupid it is in Sunday school.
And we all love archaeology, I can show you a few cool things. Such as this one, the Tel Dan Inscription. Some scholars think that this is the earliest evidence of the expression "the house of David", but some others think, No, it doesn't say that. Why do they disagree on something so simple?
You all remember the amazing story about Hezekiah right? Jerusalem was under attack, so he dug a tunnel for water, and an angel of God killed his enemies for him. We have not found the angel, but we found that tunnel. In that tunnel we also found an inscription. What does it say? Of course I'm not telling you now, the whole point of this thing is just to tease you.
And sheesh there are so many things we can talk about, like all these objects that carry the names of a number of people in the Old Testament. But I think that's enough for a preview. We begin in January, anyone is welcome. Yeah, I'm sure you can tell already, we're going to touch on some sticky issues. But, in case you are, there's no need to worry at all, if you think about it, when you first became a Christian, you knew next to nothing about the bible; there's no way you'll lose your faith because you are going know more about the bible. I myself never fear to ask the most difficult questions, not just because I'm a rebellious person, but also because I hold firm to the conviction that the bible is the word of God, it is not like I'll ask a really challenging question and inadvertently destroy the bible. It just won't happen! I take this as the spiritual aspect of this class, just to have the guts to ask the most difficult questions regarding the bible is in itself a training of faith and confidence in the bible. But of course, I'm not your pastor and not your mom, I don't really care about your spiritual growth, our number 1 priority is just to have fun talking about the Old Testament. I'm pretty sure we can make that happen at the very least.
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