McMaster University Libraries awarded top honour
McMaster University Libraries has won the prestigious Excellence in Academic Libraries Award. It is the first Canadian academic library to receive the award, granted yearly by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
The award was announced yesterday in Chicago.
“This is exciting news for us,” says University Librarian, Jeffrey Trzeciak, who joined the Library in 2006 from Wayne State University. “Receiving this international recognition stands as tribute to the hard work and dedication of the staff here at the McMaster University Libraries. Their commitment to excellence and innovation is evident in all they do to advance the mission of the University. By winning this award we can proudly say to our faculty, students and the entire campus community that you have -and deserve -the very best!”
Previous winners of the award include Georgia Tech University, the University of Virginia, and Cornell University Library.
The award recognizes a library that represents excellence in one or more of the following: creativity and innovation in meeting the needs of their academic community; leadership in developing and implementing exemplary programs that other libraries can emulate; substantial and productive relationships with classroom faculty and students.
McMaster University Libraries is committed to building strong research collections and improving library spaces and services. The Library recently joined the Center for Research Libraries, which gives users access to millions of resources such as 800,000 doctoral dissertations from outside North America (including those of Albert Einstein, Dag Hammarskjold and other Nobel laureates) and some of the earliest African-American newspapers. As well, renovations and the reconceptualizing of library space resulted in the award-winning Mills Learning Commons and the acclaimed Health Sciences Library.
所以話, 末世快到, 耶穌好快就會返o黎, 所以先會有咁多奇怪兆頭: 中國雪災, 股市大滯, 希嬌芝bo裸照事件, 再加上 McMaster d 廢柴圖書館竟然攞大獎... 真係國之將亡, 必有妖孼.
我對麥記圖書館o既敵意係有根有據, 並非屈佢. 第一, 藏書量麻麻地, 成日要我問 U of T 圖書館借書, 入書又入得慢, 好多時 U of T 圖書館己經有o既新書, 我地要等幾個月. 第二, 圖書館管理員服務態度差勁, d 學生排晒長龍等 check-out, 但係 d 管理員都企晒o係度傾計, 飲咖啡, 話知你等, 連咁基本o既服務都咁差, 真係不知所謂. 第三, 圖書館風氣差勁, 影嚮讀書. 可能因為 McMaster 外面環境差, 所以 d 情侶當圖書館六樓(亦係聖經研究藏書所在)好似飛鵝山咁, o係地下碌來碌去渣波接吻, 差在未除衫. 同埋好多人偷o野, 上個星期就有至少六部 notebook 電腦被偷, 治安差過 downtown.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Monday, 28 January 2008
Canadian Society of Biblical Studies 2008
I'm writing to let you know that the Executive of the CSBS approved the programme for the CSBS Annual Meeting on June 1-3, 2008 in Vancouver, and that your paper will be included as part of the programme.
If you are planning your travel, the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. on June 1, and ends at 4:15 p.m. on June 3. The detailed programme will be posted on the CSBS website by mid-March.
今朝收到封 email, 通知我之前交o個篇 abstract 過o左關, 六月有得去 UBC 講我篇文, 所以六月頭我會有幾日返溫哥華, 都好, 有得見下老豆同朋友. 不過壞處係呢個 CSBS 同六月尾o既 Enoch Seminar 好近.
其實今年我投o個篇文我而家覺得麻麻,都o吾知點死. 不過而家諗多都無謂, 到時睇下點啦.
I'm writing to let you know that the Executive of the CSBS approved the programme for the CSBS Annual Meeting on June 1-3, 2008 in Vancouver, and that your paper will be included as part of the programme.
If you are planning your travel, the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. on June 1, and ends at 4:15 p.m. on June 3. The detailed programme will be posted on the CSBS website by mid-March.
今朝收到封 email, 通知我之前交o個篇 abstract 過o左關, 六月有得去 UBC 講我篇文, 所以六月頭我會有幾日返溫哥華, 都好, 有得見下老豆同朋友. 不過壞處係呢個 CSBS 同六月尾o既 Enoch Seminar 好近.
其實今年我投o個篇文我而家覺得麻麻,都o吾知點死. 不過而家諗多都無謂, 到時睇下點啦.
Friday, 25 January 2008
August Dillman, Ethiopic Grammar

A. Dillman, Ethiopic Grammar (trans. J. A. Crichton; 2nd enlarged ed.; ALR; Eugene: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2003).
今日返學收到上個星期訂o既一本書, 用o黎學 Ethiopic. 本來我係想買 Thomas Lambdin o個本, 但係又貴又全世界都缺貨,所以就買o左 August Dillman o個本. 呢本書都幾難睇, 寫到密密麻麻, 用作自學真係o吾易, 成本書只得兩三個 paradigm, 要自己下好多功夫, 好麻煩. 另外一個問題係無寫作練習比學生做, 咁打算自學o既人又去邊到搵 d 合適o既句子練習翻譯呢?
不過亦有好處, 呢本 grammar 入面o個 d Ethiopic 字真係用 Ethiopic 字體寫, 比起 Lambdin 用 transliteration 寫出o黎, 真係好睇好多. 其實應該仲大把人想學 Ethiopic, 最好有人 update 下 Lambdin 本書, 將 d 字用原文字體寫返出o黎, 搵間出版社發行得好 d, 益下我地呢 d 上進青年嘛.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
LG GSA-E60L + Canon PowerShot A570 IS

尋晚當我將 d 通過非法下載得來o既電影 burn 落碟o既時候, 部電腦個 dvd-rom 突然瓜o左. 不過部電腦都已經買o左差唔多四年, 以我 burn 咁多碟o黎計, 算係壽終正寢, 百年歸老, 我都應該節哀順變. 所以拿拿臨上 futureshop.ca 個網睇下有冇 dvd writer 減價. 最終買o左部 LG o既 external dvd writer, 百二蚊減到八十, 比起 internal 貴多廿皮. 因為我唔識開部電腦自己裝, 所以早就打算要買 external, 佢減價就正好. 部機好易用, 就咁插電, 同埋插落部電腦個 usb 度, 就已經可以用, 乜都唔使 install.

講開又講, 上個月我部舊相機 Canon A70 都壞o左, 影唔到相, 已經用好幾年, 都算係死得其所. 見有部 Canon A570 IS 之前減廿皮, 賣百七蚊, 就買o左. 我都知道價錢算正常, 唔係特別平, 但係因為當年我買部 A70 o個時, 部機只有而家呢部一半, 又重甸甸, LCD 又細, 都要成三百幾, 所以而家呢部我心理上覺得好平.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
徵求: 梁一貞 想念
自從睇過歷史上最好睇o既台劇"戰神"之後, 我就一直都係梁一貞o既 fans, 可惜一路都冇唱片公司賞識佢. 不過頭先發覺佢有隻歌叫"想念", 冇出過碟, 但係o係網上好 hit. 如果有人有呢隻歌的話, send o黎俾我, 我會o係呢度對你大力表揚一番.
呢隻歌就係我咁愛梁一貞o既原由. 咁多年來依然好鍾意.
呢隻歌就係我咁愛梁一貞o既原由. 咁多年來依然好鍾意.
玩到尾o既 RPG (4):Xenogears

自細我就最鍾意玩 RPG, 因為我打 d 動作 game 唔叻, 死得多都冇癮. 不過其實o係 xenogears 之前, 我主要玩o既都係 FF 同埋 DQ 系列. 其中都仲有玩過其他o既, 例如甲龍傳說, 3x3 Eyes, 但係都冇玩到尾. 所以當年 xenogears 新出o個時我都冇興趣玩, 因為唔係 FF/DQ, 興致不大. 直到出o左差唔多成年幾兩年, 我先見平買隻o黎玩下, 點知真係一見鍾情, 一打打到尾, 完全停唔落o黎. 我鍾意呢隻 game 仲多過 FFVII, 雖然前者其實畫面同音樂都不及後者.
Xenogears 咁吸引我o既原因好簡單, 故事、角色都一流, 引人入勝. 先講角色, 幾位主角 (隻怪物除外) 都各有自己背景同性格, 每一個都非常討喜, 其中幾個仲非常有型. 佢地o既機械人亦好正, 幾個主角發現出第一個 xenogear o個段真係好玩, 好似親自經歷一齣出色o既動畫咁. 至於故事, 就太過複雜, 講都講唔晒. 不過個故事超長, 好多難以預料o既事件發生, 除o左一開始o個段比較平比較慢之外, 之後就不斷有意外發生, 真係玩到唔停得, 想知道之後會發生乜事, 一路追落去. 雖然第二隻碟明顯係因為唔夠時間做, 所以非常求其, 搞到故事爛尾, 但係前大半都非常出色, 瑕不掩瑜. 最後想一提係 d 對白, 寫得好抵死, 係我玩過最搞笑o既 RPG 之一.
我覺得 Xenogears 係史上最正o既 RPG 之一. 之後幾集 Xenosaga 雖然都唔差, 不過已經去唔返第一集o既高度.
Friday, 18 January 2008
Tchacos Codex 高質素相片
National Geographic Society 將近年叱吒風雲, 其中包括有猶大福音o既 Tchacos Codex 影晒相, 而家放晒上網, 任何人都可以睇. 希望將來其他所有重要o既抄本同埋死海古卷都可以上晒網, 咁就真係高興. 對猶大福音或 Gnosticism 有興趣o既人, 一定要睇下.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
寡婦路得: 我老公話 Talpiot tomb 係耶穌個墓穴
最近 Princeton 搞o左個研討會, 其中一個議題就係講年前熱門話題o既耶穌墓穴. Jerusalem Post 同 Haaretz 都有報導. 本來一個研討會係未必會有報紙報導, 問題係有意外發生! 研討會有一個環節, 係頒發一個成就獎俾早已過身o既 Yosef Gat, 而佢亦係發現 Talpiot tomb o個個考古小組o既大佬. 呢個獎由佢老婆 Ruth Gat 代領. 當呢位現代寡婦路得發言o既時候, 佢忽然講到話佢老公生前私底下一路都同佢講 Talpiot tomb 其實就係耶穌個墓穴, 入面的確有抹大拉的馬利亞o既骨盒!!! 而佢一路都冇對外發表係因為佢怕講 d 咁o野會引起反猶太活動云云...
我唔知呢位寡婦講o既係真唔係真, 因為人都死o左幾十年, 不過係真唔係都唔係好重要, 雖然佢係發現者, 但係佢掌握o既資料同我地有o既一樣, Yosef Gat o既意見唔能夠影響我地獨立思考同研究得出o既結論.
最後, 要講多句. 好多學者講o野都好小心, 佢地都會講類似咁o既說話: "I am open to the possibility that it is Jesus' tomb," 又或者 "it may possibly be true." 有個別報紙同埋拍電影o個個 Jocobovici 就成日話多數學者都話 Talpiot tomb 可能就係耶穌個墓穴. 但係佢地唔知係唔明定係扮o野, 對歷史學者o黎講, 幾乎乜o野都係 possible, 因為你實在好難去百分百反証一樣o野, 所以當講到 possible, 其實只係話"唔係冇可能," 而唔係"大有可能". 如果你問學者, 點睇 John Crossan 話耶穌條屍其實俾狗食o左, 佢地都會話 "we have to be open to the possibility." 但係如果你叫佢講多句, 佢就會話, 雖然係 possible, 不過 unlikely, not probable. o係歷史研究中, 幾乎任何事都係 possible, 不過件事係唔係 probable 就係另一回事.
我唔知呢位寡婦講o既係真唔係真, 因為人都死o左幾十年, 不過係真唔係都唔係好重要, 雖然佢係發現者, 但係佢掌握o既資料同我地有o既一樣, Yosef Gat o既意見唔能夠影響我地獨立思考同研究得出o既結論.
最後, 要講多句. 好多學者講o野都好小心, 佢地都會講類似咁o既說話: "I am open to the possibility that it is Jesus' tomb," 又或者 "it may possibly be true." 有個別報紙同埋拍電影o個個 Jocobovici 就成日話多數學者都話 Talpiot tomb 可能就係耶穌個墓穴. 但係佢地唔知係唔明定係扮o野, 對歷史學者o黎講, 幾乎乜o野都係 possible, 因為你實在好難去百分百反証一樣o野, 所以當講到 possible, 其實只係話"唔係冇可能," 而唔係"大有可能". 如果你問學者, 點睇 John Crossan 話耶穌條屍其實俾狗食o左, 佢地都會話 "we have to be open to the possibility." 但係如果你叫佢講多句, 佢就會話, 雖然係 possible, 不過 unlikely, not probable. o係歷史研究中, 幾乎任何事都係 possible, 不過件事係唔係 probable 就係另一回事.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
細路版本以諾研討會 @ Princeton
Congratulations! All of you have been selected to deliver papers at the Graduate Student Enoch Conference in Princeton on June 16-18, 2008. The conference is being organized by Princeton Theological Seminary in collaboration with Princeton University ...
Your papers should be between 5000-8000 words (including footnotes). These papers must be submitted to me no later than April 30; late submission may result in the loss of your slot at the conference. These papers will be circulated to all participants. At the conference each presenter will have 5-10 minutes to introduce his/her paper. This introduction will be followed by a substantial discussion of the paper...
You will be provided lodging and meals at Princeton Theological Seminary. It may be possible after the conference to provide very modest travel reimbursements, but participants should seek help with travel costs from their home institutions...
頭先收到以上呢封 email, 通知話我之前寫o個篇 abstract 過o左關, 六月我會去 Princeton 參加呢個研討會. 其實我本來就覺得我份文幾好, 所以我係預o左過關, 不過佢包埋食住就真係大驚喜. 洗少好多錢, 留返買 game 好過. 希望順利啦, 係今年我最有興趣去o既 conference.
Congratulations! All of you have been selected to deliver papers at the Graduate Student Enoch Conference in Princeton on June 16-18, 2008. The conference is being organized by Princeton Theological Seminary in collaboration with Princeton University ...
Your papers should be between 5000-8000 words (including footnotes). These papers must be submitted to me no later than April 30; late submission may result in the loss of your slot at the conference. These papers will be circulated to all participants. At the conference each presenter will have 5-10 minutes to introduce his/her paper. This introduction will be followed by a substantial discussion of the paper...
You will be provided lodging and meals at Princeton Theological Seminary. It may be possible after the conference to provide very modest travel reimbursements, but participants should seek help with travel costs from their home institutions...
頭先收到以上呢封 email, 通知話我之前寫o個篇 abstract 過o左關, 六月我會去 Princeton 參加呢個研討會. 其實我本來就覺得我份文幾好, 所以我係預o左過關, 不過佢包埋食住就真係大驚喜. 洗少好多錢, 留返買 game 好過. 希望順利啦, 係今年我最有興趣去o既 conference.
Monday, 14 January 2008

最近知名學者 Ada Yardeni 發表o左一塊好有趣o既石頭, 上面寫有兩個 columns 希伯來文. 奇怪o既係, 第一, d 字o吾係刻上去, 而係用顔料寫上去, 第二, 根據字跡, paleographically, 同死海古卷非常相似, 所以同樣係來自公元前後第一世紀咁上下. Yardeni 都話, 如果呢篇o野o吾係寫o係石上, 而係卷軸上, 佢會話係新發現o既一篇死海古卷.
呢篇o野零零碎碎, 好多字己經睇o吾到.不過見到有天使 Gabriel 出場, 可惜無講到天堂o既情景, o吾係可能會對我論文有幫助.
呢度有希伯來文 transcription, 同英文翻譯.
Monday, 7 January 2008

臨開學前, 專登開齣一向好鍾意睇o既電影睇o黎開心下. Evolution 幾年前o係電視 pay-per-view 睇過, 當時己經好鍾意, 前晚返睇依然覺得好正, 係我心目中o既滄海遺珠. 己經翻睇幾次, 都o吾會覺悶, 依然咁好睇.
呢齣戲個 style 同 Eight Legged Freaks (另一齣我好鍾意o既西片) 相似. 都係怪物片, 但係以玩o野手法拍出o黎. 故事講兩個大學教師發現一舊殞石上面有進化得超快o既外星生物, 後來越搞越大鑊. 呢齣戲之所以咁吸引我全在於當中o既角色, 幾個主角都非常討喜, 同埋佢地之間 d 對白有時真係寫得好抵死, 真係睇到笑. X-File 莫探員做o個個大學教授非常搞笑, 將莫探員一向有o既 sarcasm 搬落去呢個科學家角色度好 fit, 佢o既黑人朋友亦好正, 兩人之間有化學作用. 後來出場較多o既論盡女科學家, 無厘頭消防員, 同埋兩個肥仔學生, 全部我都好鍾意.
Friday, 4 January 2008

尋晚開齣都算幾舊, 但係之前其實未睇過o既怪物片睇, 叫做 Mimic. 都好耐無睇過呢類怪物食人片, 而呢齣戲其實亦質素不俗, 所以今次睇得好痛快. 個故事無乜特別, 講科學家o係紐約搞o左 d 超大蟑螂出o黎, 一班主角就走入紐約地鐵站入面殺蟲/被殺. 因為我屋企一年之前有蟑螂之患, 我真係好鬼驚蟑螂, 所以見到好似人咁大o既蟑螂周圍跑, 真係心驚肉跳. 同埋睇完之後先發覺個導演就係 Pan's Labyrinth o個個 Guillermo del Toro. 都o吾奇, 呢條友睇o黎好鍾意玩蟲, Pan's 入面都好多蛇蟲鼠蟻場面.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Eternity Girls "勇奪"新城勁爆組合新人獎
Eternity Girls奪新城勁爆組合新人獎
以福音歌曲〈回家〉勇闖樂壇的新晉組合Eternity Girls ,於昨晚舉行的「新城勁爆頒獎禮2007」中勇奪新人獎項。
對於是次得獎,Ruby表示要衷心感謝上帝:「這是天父給我們的聖誕驚喜,也謝謝大家的代禱和支持!」而Sharon則表示 :「公佈新人獎時,聽見主持人叫出EG的名字,那種驚訝和驚喜交集的感覺,真是畢生難忘!」
EG 導師劉港源認為是次得獎全是神的大能,他相信神要在傳媒使用弟兄姊妹的音樂和生命去見証衪的大愛;而EG能以福音歌和組合的身分獲獎,他亦相信是神給予他們的肯定和引證:「福音歌曲和歌手也可在樂壇為主發熱發亮、撒種收割,盼望神再興起更多福音歌手,在傳媒和樂壇為主爭戰,讓福音遍傳!」
全香港人都知, 新城 d 獎就係豬肉獎, 人人有份, 所以有人話唔出席頒獎典禮我都唔覺奇怪, 呢 d 獎根本就唔使恨. 點知呢隊福音 group 咁搞笑, 人地分個豬肉獎俾佢, 就話"勇奪"組合新人獎, 又話得獎全是神的大能... oh my God. 佢地得獎唔係因為"神的大能", 而係因為頒獎o既係新城. 新城年年都頒百幾個獎, d 唔信神o既歌星仔根本唔需要"神的大能"咪一樣年年掃成百個獎. 如果新城豬肉獎都算係"肯定和引證", 咁呢位導師未免太小看"神的大能".
唉, 痴線.
Eternity Girls奪新城勁爆組合新人獎
以福音歌曲〈回家〉勇闖樂壇的新晉組合Eternity Girls ,於昨晚舉行的「新城勁爆頒獎禮2007」中勇奪新人獎項。
對於是次得獎,Ruby表示要衷心感謝上帝:「這是天父給我們的聖誕驚喜,也謝謝大家的代禱和支持!」而Sharon則表示 :「公佈新人獎時,聽見主持人叫出EG的名字,那種驚訝和驚喜交集的感覺,真是畢生難忘!」
EG 導師劉港源認為是次得獎全是神的大能,他相信神要在傳媒使用弟兄姊妹的音樂和生命去見証衪的大愛;而EG能以福音歌和組合的身分獲獎,他亦相信是神給予他們的肯定和引證:「福音歌曲和歌手也可在樂壇為主發熱發亮、撒種收割,盼望神再興起更多福音歌手,在傳媒和樂壇為主爭戰,讓福音遍傳!」
全香港人都知, 新城 d 獎就係豬肉獎, 人人有份, 所以有人話唔出席頒獎典禮我都唔覺奇怪, 呢 d 獎根本就唔使恨. 點知呢隊福音 group 咁搞笑, 人地分個豬肉獎俾佢, 就話"勇奪"組合新人獎, 又話得獎全是神的大能... oh my God. 佢地得獎唔係因為"神的大能", 而係因為頒獎o既係新城. 新城年年都頒百幾個獎, d 唔信神o既歌星仔根本唔需要"神的大能"咪一樣年年掃成百個獎. 如果新城豬肉獎都算係"肯定和引證", 咁呢位導師未免太小看"神的大能".
唉, 痴線.
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