姜牧師係假牧師, 但都總算係個信徒; 估唔到咁快已經發展到將一個冇信仰、唔信耶穌的AI chatbot叫做"牧師"了. 如果你覺得咁樣係有問題, 佢仲會話你"限制神觸摸人心的方式". Ok you win 🙃
姜牧師係假牧師, 但都總算係個信徒; 估唔到咁快已經發展到將一個冇信仰、唔信耶穌的AI chatbot叫做"牧師"了. 如果你覺得咁樣係有問題, 佢仲會話你"限制神觸摸人心的方式". Ok you win 🙃
最近喺facebook見有班耶教圈的朋友喺度講時代論. 我係完全唔識時代論的, 以前返咁多年學, 從來冇人談及過呢個題目, 可能係因為呢D嘢冇乜強烈聖經根據, 所以D老師覺得有好多其他更需要cover的題目. 但我懷疑我以前細個返嗰間教會係有講過, 因為我記得係有聽過"律法時代"、"恩典時代"呢類字眼.
屋企有本Ben Witherington III的書, 其中有三章係講時代論的, 佢咁樣簡介時代論:
//[T]he Dispensational approach to the Bible did not arise after profound study of the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures or detailed scholarly exegesis of the text. It was a system that apparently arose in response to a vision and as a result of a pastoral concern about unfulfilled biblical prophecy, and was promulgated by various ministers and evangelists and entrepreneurs in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. More recently, it has often been wed with the all-too-American gospel of success and wealth, not to mention the belief that America is in some way God’s chosen instrument, though of course the Bible says nothing about America.//
~Ben Witherington III, The Problem with Evangelical Theology
三一臨在浸信會嗰個黃衛雄牧師博士喺佢自己個IG page同教會page, 出咗篇長文, 如果佢唔delete, 大家都仲可以去觀摩見識下. 篇文係講聖經的得救觀, 喺篇文的下款"衛雄牧師 (博士)"之後, 加上一句: "附圖為公元一世紀使徒們的一位門徒寫給政權的基督教書信英文翻譯,當中表達出早期教會信徒的行為."
篇文有四張附圖, 第一張就係cap圖中的呢一張, 放張原文抄本的圖出來, 一顯佢身為(博士)的學術能力. 但佢只會呃到三一臨在浸信會嗰班盲毛, 我就認得呢個係乜嘢抄本, 呢個係Gospel of Judas的Coptic抄本嚟, 根本唔係聖經抄本, 亦唔係乜嘢第一世紀使徒們的信徒, 無啦啦post張完全唔關事的原文抄本圖出嚟扮勁. 條友對原文的了解甚淺, 偏偏又成日扮識, 以(博士)自居, 但又何必勉強呢? 專心舔共, 好好地接受自己唔識嘢的事實咪好囉.
頭先睇影音使團D youtube片, 其中一條話: "科學家在該地區已進行了卓有成效的科研考證", 然後有一連串影住一D文章的配圖, 講到好似話佢地當年的所謂驚世發現, 其實已經喺學術期刊登出, 只係你班沐咀唔知頭唔知路.
佢有幾篇嘢唔係英文, 我冇辦法自己去睇; 有好多只係文章的片段, 唔知來歷; 只有一篇, 係有文章同作者名稱. 我立即上網搵, 係open access的, 任何人都可以睇.一睇個內容就十分失望, 根本同袁文輝嗰條舟係完全無關的, 根本就唔係一篇關於嗰舊木的文章, 作者亦唔係一個科學家. 影音使團是咪諗住冇人會check? 是咪唔記得咗有Howtindog呢個咁無聊的人?
影音使團片段: https://youtu.be/hK5FzM3PtN4?si=RZ5zE_x_9g0CmRv3&t=63
文章: https://www.atsjats.org/the-case-for-a%C4%9Fr%C4%B1-da%C4%9F%C4%B1/masis-as-biblical-mt.-ararat.pdf
而家影音使團扮晒正確嚴謹, 懶係保持理性客觀咁樣, 喺比較正式D的文宣度以"疑似係方舟的木結構"嚟稱呼嗰舊嘢, 但好明顯佢地一直都當正自己已發現到挪亞方舟, 一直都係咁樣同其他人講. 例如呢個影音使團項目及國際事工拓展執行總監Angela, 佢話最近喺台灣搭飛機返香港, 就同機上另一個女仔講: "有冇聽過挪亞方舟? 我地已經上過去嗰個地方, 其中一個人就坐喺你後面, 嗰個人就係袁文輝喇"(13:17). 其實睇晒成條片,都可以聽到佢由頭到尾都係話嗰條嘢就係挪亞方舟.
袁文輝喺影音使團官網出咗篇文章, 講挪亞精神, 佢要學效挪亞咁樣, 做方舟事工的項目負責人. 我都好想知, 挪亞當年係以乜嘢手法向人募捐, 問人攞咗幾多個他連得嚟成立「真 • 挪亞方舟國際事工」? 🙂
我一直唔明, 做乜以勒基金嗰個總幹事陳歐陽桂芬咁撐影音使團去搵方舟, 頭先睇創世電視一個節目, 見到佢講以下的嘢, 終於明白, 條友相信神已經興起中國, 令中國成為世界強國, 所以由中國人搵到方舟係合情合理的事 (對佢嚟講), 呢班中國人的不專業, 就更顯出係神的作為 sosad:
"上帝不斷興起中國人, 不斷興起華人, 中國成為世界強國, 很多華人很多中國人被興起, 今天方舟探索, 能夠被一隊華人探索隊進入, 而這隊探索隊並非一直從事探索的人, 這更加值得我們思考."
People online often criticize a movie or tv series with the phrase Manic Pixie Dream Girl, thinking that they're educated critics who are capable of using a "technical" phrase in their tweet or comment. The fact is that the person who coined that phrase nearly 20 years ago openly admitted the regret of coining that phrase.
//I honestly hate the term too. I feel deeply weird, if not downright ashamed, at having created a cliché that has been trotted out again and again in an infinite Internet feedback loop. I understand how someone could read the A.V. Club list of Manic Pixie Dream Girls and be offended by the assertion that a character they deeply love and have an enduring affection for, whether it’s Diane Keaton’s Annie Hall or Katharine Hepburn in “Bringing Up Baby,” is nothing more than a representation of a sexist trope or some sad dude’s regressive fantasy.
It doesn't make sense that a character as nuanced and unforgettable as Annie Hall could exist solely to cheer up Alvy Singer. As Kazan has noted, Allen based a lot of Annie Hall on Diane Keaton, who, as far as I know, is a real person and not a ridiculous male fantasy.//
開始玩Final Fantasy係第四集, 嗰時仲係超任卡帶年代, 隻game係日文版本, 但基本上都睇得明個故事發生緊乜事, 自此就好鍾意Final Fantasy, 基本上邊部遊戲機會有Final Fantasy, 我就會買嗰部機. 但對上一隻我真係好鍾意的Final Fantasy 10, 已經廿幾年前, 12同13都算OK, 但15就直頭覺得爛, 所以當16就嚟推出嗰時, 我係零期待, 甚至考慮唔會買.
呢幾日狂玩16, 相當喜歡, 未至於好似FF4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10嗰種狂熱地喜歡, 但係都相當唔錯, 就好似我都幾鍾意Tales of Arise咁. 相信今個星期內會玩到結局, 希望個ending唔好咁sad, 希望我鍾意嗰D角色唔好死(晒), 事關隻game整體個tone都幾抑鬱.
班錫安膠拋書包, 寫好長的文章嚟推介聖經密碼, 扮晒識原文, 但一張圖就露晒底, 將希伯來文的"聖經"倒轉來寫, 真係笑大人把口. 仲有, 聖經密碼係原文的玩意 (一個白痴玩意), 證實錫安教班人扮識原文的同時亦扮緊識玩聖經密碼, 但其實班人係乜X都唔識, 根本唔知自己喺度up乜 sosad
基督教今日報呼籲弟兄姊妹奉獻, 幫助佢地開個ChatGPT功能, 聲稱有咗個咁先進的功能, 就可以幫大家連禱告詞都寫埋. 如果做信徒做到連禱文都懶得諗, 要個唔信耶穌的ChatGPT嚟幫手寫, 不如早日死咗佢好過啦 🤣
何寶生係國度事奉中心的總幹事, 佢寫的文章喺國度復興報(香港)係以《國度角度》的名堂嚟刊登, 代表了國度復興報的官方立場, 但好多時都係D很有問題的廢文.
例如呢一篇《大國的崛起與國家的命定》, 佢自己都知道以賽亞 49:12-16 係有爭議的經文, 根本上大多數學者認為其中冇提及過中國, 死海古卷最早期的以賽亞書亦冇提及中國, 但係佢就喺知情的情況下, 偏偏要用呢段經文嚟引證佢成篇文要make的嗰個point: 大國勃起了, 因為神要興起華人. 既然你都知經文有爭議, 咁你仲引證乜鬼嘢?
小腦袋嗰個係佢自己, 唔好拉埋其他人落水.
痴線 sosad
//...the big problem was the Gospel of Matthew, long recognized as the most pro-Jewish of the gospels. According to Grundmann, Matthew's image of Jesus was a distortion concocted by early Jewish Christians, in order to place Jesus in the context of the salvation history traditions of the Old Testament, and the gospel does not present "the true picture of Jesus."//
~Susannah Heschel, The Aryan Jesus
左圖: 基督教今日報宣佈Gershon Galil的所謂考古發現為"聖經根於歷史佐證再添一筆".
右圖: 一班學者聯署, 重申"until the publication of finds or research results in a scientific and peer-reviewed publication, any claim made should be related to as unfounded".
冇幾耐之前, Gershon Galil同Eli Shukron喺未有經過正常學術程序、未能提供高清圖片的情況下, 就上電視公佈可比"驚世啟示"的考古發現. 基督教今日報如獲至寶, 聲稱"聖經根於歷史佐證再添一筆", 但其實許多學者對此等做法很有意見, 一些更發起聯署, 重申未經學術驗證同討論的發現同結論, 就不應當作事實咁樣宣傳.
我認為基督教傳媒應該按照呢個聯署的立場嚟處理呢類驚世發現, 而呢個立場唔係咩新鮮立場, 例如學者James Davila一直都咁主張, 佢稱之為Lottery Rule: "If a reported new discovery is the scholarly equivalent of our having won the lottery, we should be skeptical of it unless and until we have strong evidence that it is real."
基督教傳媒的名聲係十分重要的 (門徒媒體同錫安日報例外), 冇必要為咗呢D未經證實的發現押自己的reputation上去.
基督教今日報: https://cdn-news.org/news/N2212300010
學者聯署: https://gath.wordpress.com/2022/12/24/public-statement-on-publication-of-archaeological-finds-%d7%92%d7%99%d7%9c%d7%95%d7%99-%d7%93%d7%a2%d7%aa-%d7%a2%d7%9c-%d7%a4%d7%a8%d7%a1%d7%95%d7%9d-%d7%9e%d7%9e%d7%a6%d7%90%d7%99%d7%9d-%d7%90/
James Davila's blog: https://paleojudaica.blogspot.com/2022/12/sensational-claims-about-new.html