Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Monday, 26 March 2018
最近CTV報導, 一班耶和華見證人前會友控告教會不當處理教內性侵指控的手法, 疑似會告到上法庭審. 呢班人當中, 至少有一部份都係以前喺教會裡面受過性侵, 向教會要求援助, 但係反而被教會禁聲, 甚至隔離, 原因係因為耶證對聖經入面一尐經文的詮釋, 例如:
"人無論犯什麼罪,作什麼惡,不可憑一個人的口做見證,總要憑兩三個人的口做見證才可定案。" (申命記 19.15)
"倘若你的弟兄得罪你,你就去,趁著只有他和你在一處的時候,指出他的錯來。他若聽你,你便得了你的弟兄。 16 他若不聽,你就另外帶一兩個人同去,要憑兩三個人的口作見證,句句都可定準。 17 若是不聽他們,就告訴教會。若是不聽教會,就看他像外邦人和稅吏一樣。" (馬太福音 18.15-17)所以, 如果一尐會友或者孩童受了性侵, 佢地必須提供至少兩個見證住事件發生的人, 教會先會受理. CTV就住呢個題目, 拍咗集documentary, 而家可以喺 youtube 睇晒全集.
無論對耶證又或者基督教福音派教會, 如何處理教內性侵指控都係一個難題, 可能還需要更多的討論, 先可以設立完善的制度去處埋呢類問題. 一個好的制度應該係點我未敢下定論, 但係以上呢種處理手法, 明顯係害人害教會, 最終只有性罪犯得益的處理方式.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
我好耐之前已經有齣北野武的戲, 但一直冇開嚟睇, 直至早幾日. 齣戲真係峰迴路轉, 去到個結尾, 有個轉折令我睇到眼到突埋, 去到WTF的地步, 但個結局的音樂一起, 加埋一堆鏡頭剪接, 簡直係救返成齣戲. 呢個結局係我心目中已經成為經典, 過去幾日我無限loop住嚟睇.
Monday, 12 March 2018
是咁的, 早幾日收到以前supervisor的email, 除咗好耐冇見, 大家問候下對方之外, 佢亦提及話見到有本新書, 同我以前寫咗少少的博士論文概念好相似, 叫我搵嚟睇下: Philip F. Esler, God's Court and Courtiers in the Book of the Watchers: Re-Interpreting Heaven in 1 Enoch 1-36.
我梗係冇咁勤力, 去搵本書嚟睇. 不過頭先睇下佢官網個簡介, 簡直係同我以前諗住寫的論文餅印一樣:
First Enoch is an ancient Judean work that inaugurated the genre of apocalypse. Chapters 1–36 tell the story of the descent of angels called “Watchers” from heaven to earth to marry human women before the time of the flood, the chaos that ensued, and God’s response. They also relate the journeying of the righteous scribe Enoch through the cosmos, guided by angels. Heaven, including the place and those who dwell there (God, the angels, and Enoch), plays a central role in the narrative. But how should heaven be understood? Existing scholarship, which presupposes “Judaism” as the appropriate framework, views the Enochic heaven as reflecting the temple in Jerusalem, with God’s house replicating its architecture and the angels and Enoch functioning like priests. Yet recent research shows the Judeans constituted an ethnic group, and this view encourages a fresh examination of 1 Enoch 1–36. The actual model for heaven proves to be a king in his court surrounded by his courtiers. The major textual features are explicable in this perspective, whereas the temple-and-priests model is unconvincing. The author was a member of a nontemple, scribal group in Judea that possessed distinctive astronomical knowledge, promoted Enoch as its exemplar, and was involved in the wider sociopolitical world of their time.以前人地問我論文寫乜嘢, 我通常都懶得解釋. 第日我可以直接俾呢條link佢 sosad. 同埋都證實, 以前我個proposal都唔係太雞, 跟蹤落去其實都有可能寫到本書出嚟.
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Howtindog 頻道 8 週年
差唔多每一年都係過咗週年慶嗰日, 我先記得個youtube頻道係喺2010年3月2日出第一條片, 今年都唔例外. 頭先貪得意, 搵返每年的記錄, 其實每年都差唔多. 其實我想知第一年至第二年之間發生過咩事, 唔知錄咗尐咩片, 突然多咗觀眾.

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