Monday 25 March 2013

Linda Harvey: 美國人唔去教會引發次按危機

之前第一集《耶教異聞錄》, 提及耶教電台 Mission: America 主時人 Linda Harvey 分析美國次按危機時, 指出其成因係美國政府放任同性戀同埋美國人經常唔返教會. 應該節錄幾段作為記錄:

"The mortgage crisis was the sin of temptation being offered by those who relaxed legitimate standards, offered to those without the personal standards to resist. This easy-pay physical structure was too good to be true, and appealed to an increasingly covetous segment of our culture. Sexual and material covetousness are usually sin siblings. It would be interesting to study the families who have defaulted on mortgages for the correlations between structural and/or functional weaknesses like infidelity, divorce, gambling or porn addictions, job instability, credit card default, domestic abuse, sexual deviance, and criminality. There is also a high likelihood that poor or no church attendance would show up as a factor as well."

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