今日見到有個相當有趣o既考古發現. Shimon Gibson 喺耶路撒冷發現到一塊來自與耶穌同期o既裹屍布. 最有趣o既係, 呢塊裹屍布同 Shroud of Turin 好多唔同o既地方. 首先, 編織o既方法唔同. 其次, 同 Shroud of Turin 唔同, 呢塊新發現o既裹屍布唔係一塊布, 而係有一塊分開o既包頭布.
點解 Shroud of Turin 同呢塊同耶穌同期o既裹屍布咁唔同? Hmmmm...
Burial cloth found in Jerusalem cave casts doubt on authenticity of Turin Shroud
By Matthew Kalman
Last updated at 1:08 AM on 16th December 2009
Archaeologists have discovered the first known burial shroud in Jerusalem from the time of Christ's crucifixion - and say it casts serious doubt on the claimed authenticity of the Turin Shroud.
Ancient shrouds from the period have been found before in the Holy Land, but never in Jerusalem.
Researchers say the weave and design of the shroud discovered in a burial cave near Jerusalem's Old City are completely different to the Turin Shroud.
Radiocarbon tests and artefacts found in the cave prove almost beyond doubt that it was from the same time of Christ's death.It was made with a simple two-way weave - not the twill weave used on the Turin Shroud, which textile experts say was introduced more than 1,000 years after Christ lived.
And instead of being a single sheet like the famous item in Turin, the Jerusalem shroud is made up of several sections, with a separate piece for the head.
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