Friday, 20 March 2009

mihimaru GT: mihimaLIVE2 @ 武道館

我愛上 mihimaru 係始於睇佢地上次隻演唱會 DVD, 等咁耐, 尋晚終於睇到佢地最新o既演唱會 DVD. 比起上次, 今次場地喺武道館, 地方大好多, 但係感覺上亦比上次離觀眾遠 d, 少咗 d party feel. 服裝亦勁過上次, 因為上次基本上係冇換過衫 (只有除, 冇換), 今次都有換下, 而且幾好睇, 尤其係 hiroko, 件件都靚.

佢地舊年我覺得最好聽嗰幾隻歌亦全部有唱, Love Sick, Birthday Song, Alive, 幸せになろう 都好正. 特別要提到 かけがえのない詩 呢隻"叮噹"歌, 因為我之前都只係覺得一般, 但係今次演出佢地改咗少少嘢, 變成 acoustic version, 加埋 miyake 彈結他, 隻歌變到好好聽, 希望佢地將來出碟會整返個新版本. 不過亦有我覺得可惜o既地方. 首先, 分別'有四組嘉賓出場, 太過多咗 d, 有少少打斷個節奏同連貫性. 另外, 有好幾首我覺得係佢地最出色o既舊歌冇唱到, 包括 Love is..., Squall, いつまでも響くこのMelody .

不過, 結括嚟講, 雖然有幾首我唔係咁鍾意聽o既歌, 但係都好鍾意呢個演唱會, 有靚女睇, 有好歌聽, 一睇到佢地 d 招牌 Afro 假髮就覺得開心.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

雲之彼端, 約定的地方

今日都做咗唔少嘢, 所以花少少時間睇咗齣一路都想睇o既動畫電影, 新海誠o既"雲之彼端, 約定的地方". 有人話呢個人係宮崎駿第二, 睇完呢齣, 我覺得佢係有排都未夠班, 先學好講個動聽合理o既故事先啦唔該. 好多人都話呢齣嘢好睇, 因為畫功靚, 有型, 再加上一個冇人睇得明o既故事, 令人覺得呢齣嘢好 deep.

先講長處, 呢齣動畫係畫得靚, 除咗 d 人畫得一般之外, 所有其他嘢都畫得非常細緻, 算得上美輪美奐. 音樂亦算不俗, 不過就當然遠遠不及久石讓幫宮崎駿寫嗰 d, 但係配合上靚畫面, 都算 OK 啦.

雖然喺技術層面上, 呢齣動畫算得上出色, 但係最差o既係故事, 差得連佢有o既幾大長處都唔能夠抵消. 首先, 我唔係批評佢故事中o既 concept, 佢話呢個世界會發夢, 而個女主角就喺夢中接收晒呢個世界o既夢境, 令到其他平衡世界唔會食 Q 咗呢個世界... 係好混亂o既 concept, 但係都算, 佢要咁設計, 我都可以接受. 問題係, 世界觀可以唔合理, 但係存在於呢個世界入面o既角色o既反應同行為唔可以不合理囉.

我隨便都可以數幾樣. 例一, 故事講到個昏迷咗不停發夢o既女主角咁重要, 政府 d 人講到如果佢一旦醒返, 就會世界末日, 但係兩個男主角非常輕易, 完全冇人理就可以將個女仔帶離政府重要基地, 頂, 係咪兒戲成咁呀? 例二, 其中一個男主角因為佢發o既一個夢, 而認為只要佢帶個昏迷咗o既女主角去個高塔度, 佢就會醒返, 而另一個比較理性o既男仔就話佢痴孖筋, 唔可能因為佢發夢就幫佢偷走個女仔, 兩個仲打起上嚟, 但係一分鐘後, 反對嗰個男仔突然又話都覺得個夢係真, 帶個女仔去個塔度佢就會醒返... what??!! 例三, 到結尾, 個男主角帶條女飛到去個塔度, 個女仔醒返, 咁觀眾就會諗, 咁即係世界末日啦, 點知佢喺飛機度, 飛一枝導彈出去炸爆個塔, 咁就已經解決晒問題, 極救咗地球... 喂, 乜容易成咁, 咁之前就咪話乜乜救條女定救地球啦, 根本就冇 dilemma. 同埋講到個塔會食晒成個地球, 世界末日咁, 但係原來用一枝導彈就可以搞掂, 一路千方百計 keep 住個女仔昏迷發夢根本就係多餘, 求其叫阿邊個去飛枝導彈就得啦, 使乜要個中學生去做? 呢個故事入面 d 角色o既所作所為真係不合理到極點.

總結: 背景同死物畫功一流, 音樂不俗, 但係故事不知所謂, 角色言行不合情理, 令人懷疑之前拍慣短篇o既導演根本就唔識講一個 90 分鐘o既故事, 所以要 d 角色做埋 d on9 嘢, 又不時口水多過茶咁講點整飛機, 又強逼人聽埋 d 平衡世界o既理/謬論. 呢方面, 真係非常差勁, 完全掩蓋晒技術上o既可取之處.

評分: 5/10

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Golb 大戰 Schiffman

嘩, 做乜搞成咁? 真係奇事. Very 無厘頭喎.


March 5, 2009

Contact: Alicia Maxey Greene

Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau today announced the arrest of a 49-year-old man for creating multiple aliases to engage in a campaign of impersonation and harassment relating to the Dead Sea Scrolls and scholars of opposing viewpoints.

The defendant, RAPHAEL HAIM GOLB, was arrested on charges of identity theft, criminal impersonation and aggravated harassment. The crimes in the Criminal Court Complaint occurred during the period of July to December of 2008.

The investigation leading to today’s arrest revealed that GOLB engaged in a systematic scheme on the Internet, using dozens of Internet aliases, in order to influence and affect debate on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and in order to harass Dead Sea Scrolls scholars who disagree with his viewpoint. GOLB used computers at New York University (NYU) in an attempt to mask his true identity when conducting this Internet scheme. He gained access to NYU computers by virtue of being a graduate of the university, and having made donations to its library fund.

The investigation, which included a court-authorized search warrant that was executed this morning at GOLB’s apartment, began in response to a complaint by Lawrence Schiffman, Ph.D., that he was impersonated over the Internet. Dr. Schiffman is a NYU professor, chairman of the Hebrew & Judaic Studies Department and a leading scholar in the field of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In August 2008, Dr. Schiffman became subject to a campaign of impersonation and harassment through the Internet, by an anonymous individual. An investigation by the District Attorney’s Office revealed that this individual was GOLB, the son of Norman Golb, Ph.D., a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar who resides in Chicago. RAPHAEL GOLB used methods which were intended to maintain his anonymity, and opened an email account - larry.schiffman @ - purportedly in Dr. Schiffman’s name and sent 11 emails to multiple NYU recipients, in which he pretended to be Dr. Schiffman, and purported to admit to plagiarism. Simultaneously, RAPHAEL GOLB, using other Internet aliases, sent emails to NYU personnel and administration accusing Dr. Schiffman of plagiarism, and created Internet blogs accusing Dr. Schiffman of plagiarism.


RAPHAEL GOLB, through his Internet aliases, promoted the theories of his father and criticized the theories of others. Frequently, he criticized the manner in which the Dead Sea Scrolls have been exhibited, for not giving sufficient attention to the theories of his father.

GOLB is charged with Identity Theft in the Second Degree, a class E felony, which is punishable by up to 1⅓ to 4 years in prison; Identity Theft in the Third Degree, Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, Forgery in the Third Degree and Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree, all class A misdemeanors, which are each punishable by up to 1 year in prison. He is scheduled to be arraigned today in Manhattan Criminal Court.

The investigation is continuing.



Tuesday, 3 March 2009

[Sunday School] Day 7: topic 4 part 1

Woo, I'm doing it. I had always wanted to talk about the Documentary Hypothesis in church. We'll see what happens...

Traditionally, Christians believe that it was Moses himself who wrote the Pentateuch. That was what I heard in Sunday School when I was younger. But then I saw some passages in the Pentateuch that don't seem like something that Moses would have written.

A quote that I found inspiring from a mystery novel. Instead of twisting the evidence to make it fit into our theories, why not change our view to better explain the evidence? Let's give it a try.

Before we talk about the Documentary Hypothesis, let's first take a look at a few strange passages. Take out a piece of paper, and try to answer these questions. Feel free to use your bible, let's make it open-book.


These are often used as examples of contradictions in the Pentateuch. What do you think? I encourage you to look at them more closely, and decide for yourself whether they're really contradictions, or stylistic inconsistencies. In any case, these are the data. What kind of a theory do we need to accommodate these data?

The Documentary Hypothesis is some scholars' attempt to make sense of these anomalies in the Pentateuch. Next week, I'll let you know what I think, and give an introduction to the Documentary Hypothesis. I don't presume that we must accept the DH, but it is something that we should know of.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Rurutia, Seirios

嘩, 等好耐呀. 自從聽過佢唱"鴉"主題曲後, 就一直好鍾意聽 Rurutia d 歌, 佢把聲, 同歌曲風格都好鍾意, 聽落舒服, 非常有 feel. 但係佢出碟出得好慢, 成年幾兩年先出一隻碟, 我曾經仲已為佢已經被 out, 冇得再出碟. 所以當尋日見佢竟然出咗隻新大碟, 真係非常興奮. 同埋咁耐都冇見過 Rurutia 個樣, 但係今次封面竟然睇到佢正面!

1. Seirios
2. サイレントプレイヤー
3. Opus
4. オーロラ飛行
5. 流光
6. 無憂歌
8. 氷鎖
9. 夢蛍
10. VOID
11. 星と羽

有好幾隻之前 single 出過o既歌, 其中 Opus 係我最鍾意. 而新歌中, 最鍾意 2, 5, 9, 尤其係夢螢, 好正.