Monday 10 December 2007


今日返學, 收到封信, 係學校通知我, 話比個一千蚊獎學金我, 叫做 The Abby Goldblatt Memorial Scholarship. 每年都會比一個出去, 比 Judaism 研究生. 但係其實我地學校而家只得三個讀 Judaism 博士生, 其中一個舊年己經得過獎, 今年到我, 下年就應該到另外個女仔, 咁就一人一年, 好似 TVB d 豬肉頒獎禮咁, 大團員結局, 人人有獎攞. 雖然一千蚊算少, 但係我都好感激學校咁比面, 等我 CV 又多少少o野寫.

The Abby Goldblatt Memorial Scholarships

To be awarded to a graduate student who demonstrates academic excellence in the study of Early Judaism. The award will be made by the School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Chair of Religious Studies.


Raphael said...

wei wei, congrat for that$1000~
我好random咁入左你呢個blog,發覺你post 既都幾有趣 wo. 特別係有關聖經果D旁經果D(好有以前中學睇野史既感覺=P). 係呢係呢,唔知你有冇D有關天使既小故事又或者係D傳聞, 有既話可唔可以post出黎分享下呀.因為我一直都對天使呢種神體(或者叫傳說)好好奇GA.
順帶一提, 我叫Raphael,(רפאל),係一位治療天使既名. 哈哈,我都覺得自己好似好唐突, 不過是旦lol. 下次溫書溫到悶再黎過bye bye

Howtindog said...

Sure, heaven and angels are my research topic.