Sunday 5 June 2005

This is not the Jedi's way

Anakin Skywalker's 金句: "This is not the Jedi's way!!!"

o係星戰 3 入面, Anakin 講o左幾次呢句說話, 直頭係佢o既口頭禪咁滯. 最抵死係 Windu 大戰 Palpatine o個度, 當 Windu 話要痛下殺手o個時, Anakin 立即就話唔好, 因為 "This is not the Jedi's way!!!" 但係我地都知道呢句不過係藉口而已, 因為當 Windu 出手o個時佢立即大叫 "No, he is important to ME." 換句話說, Anakin 只係用乜乜 "Jedi's way" o黎過橋, 只要係佢唔鍾意o既o野佢就會搬句 "This is not the Jedi's way" 出o黎.

當然, 我對呢 d 咁o既行為並不覺得陌生, 因為教會好多人都鍾意咁做, 不過句說話會變成: "This is not the Bible's way!!!" 其實只不過係佢覺得o個個做法唔o岩自己心水, 所以就要搵個堂皇o既藉口o黎控制他人o既自由, 而最好o既藉口當然係莫過於 "This is not the Bible's way" 啦. 其實呢條友仔可能根本就冇認真去睇過 bible 講乜, 不過佢一搬到 "bible" 出o黎, 都唔係咁多人夠膽挑戰佢. 辣塊媽媽, 口裡面就講到好似乜都以 bible 為標準咁, 其實不過係用 bible o黎達成自己o既意願, 討厭到暈, 超樣衰.

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